unit 7 organizing a food festival topic1. we need to make some money 导学案(仁爱版八年级下)

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1、一、二、 重点词汇:(一) 词形转换:1.success(形容词)successful 2.invitation(动词)invite 3.tooth(复数)teeth4.friendly(比较级)more friendly 5.Russia(形容词)Russian 6.Africa(形容词)African7.India(形容词)Indian 8.sandwich(复数)sandwiches9.supply(复数)supplies 10.post(名词)poster1. 2. think over 仔细考虑3. make a poster 做海报4. Organize a Food Festiv

2、al 举办美食节5. turn to sb./sth. 求助于,求教于6. chat with sb. 和某人交谈/聊天7. whats more 而且8. never mind 没关系9. work hard at 在方面努力学习三、 重点句型:1.Do you know about Daniel Igali ? 你知道丹尼尔艾格雷吗?know about“了解”,know a lot about“对某事了解很深”,know a little about“对某事或某人了解一些”,而know是“知道”,“认识”之意,如:I know her.我认识她。I know about her.我了解她

3、。二者意思不同。2.I have heard of him.我从未听说过他。 hear of sb./sth“听说过某人或某事”hear + that从句“听说,得知”hear from sb.“收到某人的来信”hear“听见” listen“注意听”3.Ill think over how we should organize the food festival.我将仔细考虑我们应该怎样组织这次美食节活动。think over“仔细考虑”think of/about“考虑,思考”think of 还有“想起”之意4.Lets try our best to make it successfu

4、l.让我们尽力成功举办这次美食节活动。try ones best=do ones best尽力,努力make sb./sth. successful 使获得成功6.Its a pleasure.用于感谢的答语还有:Thats Ok./Thats all right./Youre welcome./My pleasure.7.May I invite you to our food festival?Invite sb. to some place邀请某人去某处Invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做谋事 如:May I invite you to go shopping with

5、me?我能邀请你一起去购物吗?8.Extension six zero zero six, please. 请接分机号6006。相当于Can I have extension six zero zero six ,please ? 或Please dial extension six zero zero six.9.Keep trying.继续努力吧。Keep(on)doing sth.继续/重复做某事Keep sb./sth.doing sth. 让某人持续做某事;让某事持续进行 如:He kept writing all the night.他整晚在写作。Ill try not to ke

6、ep you waiting.我会尽量不让你久等。10.It has very few school supplies.学校设施简陋。句中supplies是作名词用。如:very few school supplies,这里supplies是名词复数,译为“学校设施简陋”,supply作为动词用,意为“提供”、“供应”。如:The school supplies books for/to the children.=The school supplies the children with books.-学校提供孩子们书籍。即:supply sth.to/for sb.或supply sb.

7、with sth.11.Our students will sell many delicious international foods in order to raise money for a village school in Nigeria.为了给尼日利亚一所乡村学校筹钱,我们学生将出售许多美味的国际食品。in order to意为“为了”,它引导的动词不定式短语作目的状语。否定结构 用in order not to ,比so as to正式,也可以用so that代替。如: -Hell try his best to work hard in order to/so as to c

8、atch up with his classmates.=Hell try his best to work hard so that he can catch up with his classmates. 他将尽全力努力学习为了能赶上他的同学。raise money集资,筹款 26语法学习:四、 宾语从句 宾语从句在句中起宾语的作用。它可以作动词的宾语,也可以作介词、不定式、分词、动名词以及某些形容词的宾语,宾语从句可以由连词that, whether, if, 代词who, whose, what, which和副词when, where, how, why等引导。现先着重介绍连词tha

9、t引导的宾语从句。下面就举例说明:I think he will be all right in a few days. 我想他几天就会好了。Im afraid (that)you are wrong. 恐怕你错了。I dont think(that)you are right. 我认为你不对。I hope that youll be better soon. 我希望你很快康复。I heard that he joined the army. 我听说他参军了。Im glad that you are ready to help others. 我很高兴你乐意帮助别人。学习宾语从句应注意几点:

10、(2) May I? 常用在征求对方意见的句子中,常译为“我可以吗?” 如:May I invite you to organize the Food Festival with me ? 我可以邀请你和我一起组织这次美食节吗?(3) Will you ? 常用于请求对方完成某一动作,同时征求对方意见,常译为“请你好吗?”如:Will you please call me this evening?请你今晚打电话给我好吗?(4) Would you like to? Would like to do sth. 想要做某事。如:Would you like to eat another mooncake?你想再来一块月饼吗?2. 日常交际用语:谈论社交活动中有关常见的日常交际用语Shall we have a food festival to make money for his school ?May I invite you to our food festival ?Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.Will you please tell me something about?Whats up ?Thank you for inviting me to your food festival.



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