unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)

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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)_第1页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)_第2页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)_第3页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)_第4页
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《unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练7(仁爱版九年级上)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. Long ago, many British people were forced to leave their country and go to some other places. 很久以前,许多英国人被迫离开他们的国家去了一些其它的地方 be forced to do sth. 被迫做某事 如:He was forced to take out all his money by the robber.他被抢劫犯强迫交出所有钱。force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事You mustnt force him to do it. 你一定不能强迫他做这个。2. The

2、English language has also taken in many new words from other languages.英语也从其他语言中吸收了许多新词。take in 意为“吸收,接纳”。 如: The school team took him in as a new member.校队接纳他为新的成员。【基础知识过关】I.短语回放1. 发生,形成_ 2. 强迫某人做某事_3.把带到来_ 4 . 把带到去_ 5.用一种不同的方式_ 6.一点点地改变渐渐改变 _7.在世界不同地区 _ 8.吸收,接纳 _ 9从借入 _ 10. 德国人_ 11. 简而言之_ 12.与完全不同

3、 _13. 在过去的几个世纪里_ 14.谋生_15. 给某人回信_II.根据汉语提示完成句子。1_ _(简而言之), we should work hard at Englsih.2. _(无论何时) you meet Tim, please take my best wishes to him.3. Its raining outside. _(带) an umbrella with you when you go out.4. 他的英语渐渐地有所提高。His English is improving _ _ _.5.他们是德国人,他们来自德国。_6. From his _(口音),we k

4、now he is from the northern part of America. 【综合能力提升】I. 单项选择1. _ you_America tomorrow. A. Do ; leave B .Are ; leaving for C. Are ; leaving to D. Are ; going to leave to2. In the 1950s,many people _to leave their homes to make a living because of hunger. A. forced B. were forcing C. was forced D. wer

5、e forced 3. Great changes _ in my hometown in the past ten years. A. have taken place B. have come about C. took place D came about4. To develop his new company, he has to _ many foreigners.A. take in B. take off C. take up D. take down5. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It_ in many

6、schools around the world. A. teaches B. is teaching C. has taught D. is taught6. The idea _ wonderful.A. tastes B. sounds C. smells D. feels7. Ice and snow _ houses in the North Pole(北极). A. are used to make B. are used to making C. used to make D. used to be made8. I want to _ your bike and will yo

7、u please _it to me? A. lend ; borrow B. borrow ; give C. lend ; give D. borrow ; lend 9.-_ will he be back? -In a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon10. Tom knew little Chinese when he came to China, so he couldnt make himself _here.A.uderstands B. understands C.understanding D. un

8、derstoodII. 按要求变化下列各句I. 1. He went shopping yesterday. He didnt stay at home. (改为同义句) He went shopping _ staying at home yesterday.2. I dont believe he will come. (改为反意疑问句) I dont believe he will come, _?3. Students cant take magazines out of the reading-room. (改为被动语态) Magazines cant _ out of the re

9、ading-room.4. The meeting will start in ten minutes. (对画线部分提问) _ will the meeting start?5. How useful the book is! (改为同义句) It is _ book. 6. Mr. Turner bought the car three years ago. (改为同义句) Mr. Turner _ _the car for three years.7. Are there museums in the city? Cold you tell me? (合并成复合句) Could you

10、tell me _ there _ museums in the city?8. She often helps her mother with the housework. (改为否定句) She _ _her mother with the housework.9. I dont like to have coffee with milk. Alice doesnt like, either. (改为同义句) I dont like to have coffee wit milk. _Alice. 10. I enjoy playing the piano. (改为同义句) I _ pla

11、ying the piano. III. 汉译英 1. 你的英语不太好,必须每天练习说英语。 You are not _ English and you must _ it every day. 2. 如果你在英国,你就得用英语与人交流。 You have to _ people in English if you are in English. 3. 她对新房颇为满意。 She _ her new room. 4. 我认为英语在古巴不是官方语言。 I _ think English _ as the official language in Cuba. 5. 英语随着世界的发展而变化着是真的

12、。 It is _ that English _ with the _ of the world.6. 北京要在2008年举办了奥运会。 The 2008 Olympic Games _ in Beijing.7. 汤姆成功的通过了考试。 Tom _ passing the examination. 8. 你向美国朋友作自我介绍友困难吗? Do you have any _ introducing yourself to the American friends?IV 求变化下列各句1. The film has been on for twenty minutes. (用begin改为将来时态的句子) The film _ in twenty minutes. 2. The Browns are leaving for Shanghai next week. (对画线部分提问) _ the Browns _ for next week?3. Mr. Whites flying to Hong Kong tomorrow morning. (改为同义句) Mr. White _ H


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