unit 2 stay away from windows and heavy furniture 学案2 (外研版八年级上册)

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《unit 2 stay away from windows and heavy furniture 学案2 (外研版八年级上册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 2 stay away from windows and heavy furniture 学案2 (外研版八年级上册)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 12 Traditional life Unit 2 You mustnt talk too loudly一、导学前测: 1)根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词: 1. In some trains you cant even use your m_phones.2. Dont s_at the boy, he is only a child.3. The man and the woman cant see each other the night before the w_ . 4. Dont make a n_.The baby is sleeping.5. What part

2、of your body do you use to (接住)_a ball?2) 用(must,mustnt ,can ,cant ,neednt,may)填空1. Dont open the present now! You wait and open it later.2. Must I take them to the bedroom now? -No, you _. Your father will take them.3. -_you help me with my English lesson? -Of course.4. They _go to the museum for t

3、hey have no money at the moment.5. We_read others diaries without their permission.6. In Britain, you _be 18 years old if you want to drive a car.7. You _smoke at the gas station ,or you _start a terrible fire.二、Show the teaching aims: 1.知识目标:1.To learn to use new vocabularies and phrases of this un

4、it: Greet,noise,wedding,stay,light,around,pour,mobile,shout,throw,shoulder,catch2.能力目标:熟练掌握情态动词must, can ,mustnt ,cant的用法。3. 能够谈论礼貌和不礼貌的事及某个国家或地区的风俗三、互动互学过程: Step1Listen to the tape and complete the table about England .(part 3) In EnglandmustMustnt/cantCanGreeting peopleFood and drink for guestsNoi

5、seweddingsWork in pairs and check answers.Step 2.Talk about the passage in groups and find out the important and difficult points.Test 汉译英:1、当两个人初次见面时,他们通常互相问好并握手。When two people meet _ _ _ _, they often say :How do you do “ to_ _and shake hands.2、“快点啊!”托尼高兴地说道并让小方打开她的礼物。“_ _ _ _!” Tony said happily

6、 and asked Xiaofang to open her present.3、 在春节期间给朋友送礼时中国的一个传统。Its a _in China to give presents to friends _the Spring Festival.4、英国的生活方式与中国的有所不同。The way of life in England_ _ _that in China.5、 Rose和Kevin去年结的婚.Rose and Kevin _ _last year.Step 3. Work in groups.Talk about the differences of traditional life in England and in China. Step 4.Summing-up:(Ask ss to sum up in group


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