unit 2 arnwick was a city with 200,000 people 学案1 (外研版八年级上册)

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1、教 学 案课型 新授 课题M19 Unit 2年级 八年级 学科 英语 设计人 王艳梅 审核人 周洪兴 授课人: 编号 18日期 2012年8月导入基本思路:课题:M9U2 The government is working hard to save the panda.序号:18 课时:1 学习目标:1. To get information from the reading material about pandas.2. To understand the main idea of each paragraph of the article3. To learn some new wor

2、ds.重、难点: infinitive知识点拨:1. research n.&v. 研究,调查 常用短语:do research into/on sth/sb 对某事/人进行研究/调查 They are _ _ _ cancer.(他们正在对癌症进行研究)2. There are about 1000 pandas living in nature reserves today.现在,大约有1000只熊猫生活在自然保护区中。There be sb/sth doing sth 有某人/物正在做某事 v.-ing 形式表示动作正在进行。e.g.There is a dog _(sit) under

3、 the tree.3.They mainly live on bamboo.他们主要以竹子为食。 mainly adv. 主要地,大体地e.g. We talk mainly about work when we meet.live on 以为食/生 Tigers _ _ meat, and they often_ _ the forests. 老虎以肉为食,它们常生活在森林里。 4. reason n.原因 reason for (doing) sth(做)某事的原因/理由reason 着重解释或说明某事发生的理由或原因,后面接介词for,还可接why引导的定语从句。e.g. Please

4、 tell me _ _ _ saying like that.(的理由)The reason why he didnt come was that he was ill.5. less and less 越来越少, more and more 越来越多6. Then the pandas will have enough food to eat and enough places to live in. 这样,熊猫将有充足的食物吃并有足够的生存空间。enough adj.&adv. 足够的(地),充足的,充分地enough作形容词时可以作定语或表语,作定语时可前可后,但习惯放达标测试题一、首

5、字母填空。1. The Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) is the s_ of New York.2. Tigers are becoming fewer and fewer for many different r_.3. The members of the club are m_young people.4. She is doing the r_ on pandas.5. The s_ in the railway station is awful , especially in the Spring Festival .6. She f_ the bird twi

6、ce every day .7. We dont know what c_ the accident(事故).二、单选1.We know that people in the south of China live_ rice.A.in B.for C.with D.on2.The man wants to buy a big house for his family _.A.living B.to live C.to live in D.living in3. We were very surprised _ that news.A.heard B.hearing C.hear D.to h

7、ear4.There are so many MP5 in the shop. We cant decide_ A.what to buy B.to buy what C. whichto buy D. to buy which5.There isnt enough food_ in the fridge.A. eat B.to eat C.eating D.eats三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There is a kite _(fly) in the sky.2. Hell come _(visit) his uncle next week.3. Please tell the c

8、hildren _(hand) in their homework on time.4. A panda is one of the _(animal) I like best.5. People must stop _(kill) pandas.6. We need _(save)the animals in danger. 四、根据汉语填空:1. 我忘记还你的书了。I _ _ _ your books . 2. 榴莲不好闻,但好吃。 Durian isnt good _ _ , but good _ _ .3. 她来中国是来学习汉语的吗?1. How long and heavy can

9、a giant panda grow to be?_2. 将文中划线的句子翻译成英文。_ 3. Why are the giant pandas endangered?_4. Give a way to help the giant pandas in the wild, please._5. 将文中划线的句子翻译成中文。_【语篇解读】大熊猫在全世界都是非常受欢迎的动物。并且大熊猫仅仅生活在中国。大熊猫的数量比较少,所以人们尽量的给大熊猫创造更好的生活条件来保护他们。【答案解析】1. 1.5 meters long and weigh up to 160kg. 根据文章第一段第二句话可以看出。

10、2. So it is not surprising that the World Wide Fund for Nature chose the giant panda as its symbol.3. The area where pandas can live has become smaller. 根据文章第二段最后一句可以看出。4. To increase the size of panda reserves. 根据文章最后一段第二在前面。There are _ _(足够的座位) for the students here.enough作副词时可以修饰形容词和副词,必须放在被修饰词之后

11、。 She is _ _(足够大) to dress herself.He runs _ _.(足够快)7.symbol 标志 symbol 用做可数名词,后接of或for,但意义不同。 the symbol of 的象征 the symbol for的标志 e.g.The dove is _ _ _ peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。On the map,a red cross is _ _ _ a hospital。 在地图上,红十字是医院的标志。8. such as 例如,用来列举同类事物中的几个,常与and so on 连用, such as与后面的名词之间不用逗号隔开。e.g.I li

12、ke drinks _ _ (例如)orange, Coke, tea and so on.注意:for example例如,用来列举同类事物中的一个,往往用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。e.g. Noise, _ _ (例如) ,is a kind of pollution.9. cause n. 原因;起因 v.引起,使发生 cause 表示造成某一事实或现象的直接原因或起因,着重于指产生或造成某事发生的原因,往往造成不好的影响,是不可数名词。后接of。Dont complaints without good cause. 没有好的理由就不要抱怨。Carelessness is often the _ of fire. 粗心大意往往是酿成火灾的原因。 What _ him to change his idea? 是什么使他改变了主意? 10. feed v.(fed/fed)喂养;为提供食物 feed sb. / sth. (on) sth. 或 feed sth. to sb. / sth. 为某人或某物提供某种食物例如:农民们给牛喂草。The farmers _ _ _.= The farmers _ _ _ _. Does she come here _ _ _ ?


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