unit 1.3 the school sports meet is coming 学案2 (仁爱新版八年级上)

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《unit 1.3 the school sports meet is coming 学案2 (仁爱新版八年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 1.3 the school sports meet is coming 学案2 (仁爱新版八年级上)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming Section B学习目标:1.掌握Page19-20的单词,重点短语及句型。2.自学理解文章内容。3.通过合作探究,熟练掌握和运用下列短语、句型。 Lets make it half past six. make sth / sb+adj make sb do sth使某人做某事take some photos 拍照go to the movies/cinema 去看电影When/where shall we meet?shall 用于第一人称的疑问句Congratulations!自学引导:1.

2、自学P19-20的单词。(根据音标拼读,拼写并牢记)2.预习Section B1a 、3a为课堂展示作准备。3.标出课文中重要的短语和句型,疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。自测: He is the first to pass the finishing _(线)1. You must take your_(相机)to the school sports meet.2. I am busy today, lets_(约定) tomorrow afternoon, OK?3. Were going to the Great Wall. Lets _(一起去)。4. We had a lot to tell_(互相) about our trips.5. Lets play basketball, shall we?Thats a _(好主意)小组自主学习评价:内容等级自评小组长评 价预习情况ABCD课堂表现ABCD小组合作ABCD


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