unit 1 it allows people to get closer to them 教案2 (外研版八年级上册)

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《unit 1 it allows people to get closer to them 教案2 (外研版八年级上册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 1 it allows people to get closer to them 教案2 (外研版八年级上册)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、姓名单位课题名称课时Module6A famous storyPeriod 1教学内容Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)Were/was doing (past on-goings)New words: suddenly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, strange, carry设计思路1. 以听说来带动读写,培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。2. 通过图片闪现的形式,训练学生的观察力,巩固新内容,提高学生的应变能力,鼓励学生积极参与、善于合作、善于交流。3. 通过单词匹配,自然而然地学习新单词,然后通过朗读等来巩固所学的内容

2、,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。( Unit 1共设计了7个活动。1 要求根据录音材料给故事中人物排序。2是谈论故事Alices Adventures in Wonderland的一段对话。3为细节理解活动,要求学生听懂故事情节,记下故事中每个人物的活动。4要求辨认单词,按照提示为其分类。5要求用4中词汇完成句子。通过活动,学生可以从中学到用英语解释新单词的方法。6通过听读语音语调训练,帮助学生掌握含有过去进行时的句子的读音。7 要求写出在所给的过去时间内自己做的事情,然后结对进行问答练习(8).)教学目标Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇sudden

3、ly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, strange, carry 2. Key structures重点句式Were/was doing Ability goals能力目标Enable students to talk about past on-goings.To get specific information of a storyTo talk about past on-goings.重点难点1 Key vocabulary重点词汇suddenly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, strange, carry 2. Key struct

4、ures重点句式Were/was doing3. Teaching difficult points 教学重难点To understand desciption of past on-goings板书设计She was sitting by the river.How is it going? Its aboutSsh! Go on!Sorry! I see!Let me guess!Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式说明Step I Lead-in Show some pictures .Learn from the present continuous

5、to past continuousShow some pictures , introduce them with correct form.Point out the structure: T: “Was/were doing” is used to describe past on-goings. Explain the difference between the present continuous to past continuousThen practise the past continuousT: Do you know the name of the story?Show

6、the following picture.S: Alices Adventure in WonderlandT: Good. Its a famous English story. Today well start with this fairy tale. Step II ListeningRead through the list of characters with the students. Explain hatter”, then play the tape and ask the students to listen and focus.T: We are going to l

7、isten to a short introduction of the story, Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Before listening, lets read through the list of the characters first. Pay attention to “hatter” please. We know the word “hat”. A hatter is someone who makes hats. Play the tape and ask students to number the characters in

8、the story in the order. Call back the answers from the whole class.Step III Vocabulary Do activity 4. Ask students to group the words first in order to make them remember all the words easily and then go on with activity 5. T: There are some words in the box of activity 4. Please read these words fi

9、rst and then try to find out the words for “animals”. S: Cat, mouse, rabbit.T: Find out two words mean “important people”.S: King and queenT: The places outside home.S: Garden, grass.Ask them to read through the words chorally. For activity 5, tell them to guess the words and complete the sentences.

10、 Check the answers by asking some students to read the sentences. Step IV Reading and grammar Ask students to read the conversation individually and find out the sentences with the form of “v-ing”. Write the sentences on the board:Im reading. She was sitting by the river.She was not reading. The que

11、en was playing in the gardenWhat were they doing?Listening Ask students to listen to the recording of the conversation and do activity 3.Check their answer. Call their names from the whole class in order.Step V Pronunciation and speakingFirst ask students to read through the sentences in activity 6.

12、 Play the tape and have them follow. Then play the tape again, pausing to let the students repeat chorally and individually. After this, ask them to do activity 7, write notes on a piece of paper and then have conversations with their partners, ask and say what they were doing at these times.Sample

13、answers:S: What were you doing at 7 am yesterday?S: I was going to school.S: What were you doing at 1 pm?S: I was having classes.Step VI HomeworkAsk students to:1. read the conversation in activity 2 repeatedly.2. do activities 1-4 in the workbook.3. Try to find some information about the writer of

14、the story.学生已经学过了现在进行时,因而通过这样的过渡使过去进行时的认识简单化,使学习变得轻松。导入新课,学生已经了解一些关于“爱丽丝漫游奇境”的故事情节,这应该是他们感兴趣的话题。借助于这份兴趣进行教学有利于激发学生的参与与意识和学习动机。故事是教授过去进行时的比较合适的体裁,既可学习语法,又可培养叙述能力。使本身非常枯燥的语法学习与故事结合,让学生在无意识的情况下学习、掌握语法,真正做到了语法为语义表达服务。本活动为单词学习训练活动,学生可以通过此活动加强对单词的理解和熟悉。本活动让学生从课文应用中熟悉过去进行时,有利于学生对新知识的巩固。以听、说来带动读、写,培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。本活动目的是帮助学生掌握包含过去进行时句子的读音。本活动要求学生写出自己在所给的过去时间正在做的事情。学生须根据自己的真实情况来完成,具有一定的挑战性,也具有一定的交际性,有助于激发学生的表达愿望。



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