module 8 unit 2 goldilocks hurried out of the house 教案1(外研版七年级下)

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module 8 unit 2 goldilocks hurried out of the house 教案1(外研版七年级下)_第1页
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module 8 unit 2 goldilocks hurried out of the house 教案1(外研版七年级下)_第2页
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《module 8 unit 2 goldilocks hurried out of the house 教案1(外研版七年级下)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《module 8 unit 2 goldilocks hurried out of the house 教案1(外研版七年级下)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the house. 教案1. 教学内容:Module 8 Story time Unit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the house. 是外研版七年级下册的一个单元,这一单元,以童话故事为题材,内容和情节符合这一年龄阶段学生的特点,能引起学生的学习兴趣,让学生在读故事的的过程中,理解“一般过去时”这一时态的使用,并抓住故事叙述的顺序。对于这样篇幅较长的文章,学生在短时间内很难掌握,于是我在反复思考之后,确定用“三四五”教学模式中读写课。这一教学课型来组织教学。确定采用“小组合作”的形式,让学生合作学

2、习完成这一单元的任务。2. 教学重点:1. New words: rush, try, destroy, unhappy, asleep, return, cry, point, without, look aroundKey structures: past simple regular verbs. / She didnt like the food in the big bowl.2. 读懂课文,掌握阅读技巧.3. To get information from the reading material. (难点) Rewrite the story or write a new sto

3、ry with “first, next, then and finally.”4. Attitudes: Develop the good habit of reading stories.三.教学难点:1.一些规则动词的一般过去时。2. To get information from the reading material.四.教学方法:讲授法、自主互助法、分组讨论法。5. 教学过程:一.读前导入:(视频导入Goldilocks and the three bears的视频片段)1.以中央电视台主持人身份,通过看视频讲故事导入课题。2.以图片为辅助,采取猜单词、说句子的形式学习新单词。二

4、.多层阅读Reading 1.快速阅读,给图片排序。2.观看视频进一步了解故事发展的情况。(整体把握文章)3. 精读各段并听录音,分别完成以下任务:(读听结合,对学生进行多种感官刺激,进一步熟悉故事)读第1-3段(in pairs):True (正确)or false?(错误) 1. Goldilocks didnt like the smallest chair. 2. Baby Bear was unhappy because his chair was in pieces.读第4段:1. They noticed Goldilocks at first.(变否定句) They _ _ G

5、oldilocks at first.2. Was the little girl in the biggest bed or the smallest one? She was asleep in the _ bed.读第5段:听录音回答下列问题(请用一个完整的句子回答)(in groups)三.writing:(当我们写一个故事时,通常有哪些词来表示事情发展的先后呢?) Please order the four sentences.( 请给这四句话排序) a. The bears looked in their bedroom. b. Goldilocks opened her eyes

6、. c. They looked at the bowls and the chairs. d. Baby Bear pointed at the girl in his bed. Please rewrite them, use “ first, next, then, finally.四.课堂巩固五.Summary ( 让我们一起来总结)今天,我们学习了如何写故事:1_ 2_ 3_ 4 _我们还学了一般过去时的否定句型:主语 + _ + _+ 其他部分六.Homework写作(白雪公主和七个小矮人)(二选一做,学习基础较好的可以都做。)用“ first, next, then, finally简单描述一下这四幅图。


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