module 6 unit 2 the lodon eye is on your right 教案4(外研版七年级下册)

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module 6 unit 2 the lodon eye is on your right 教案4(外研版七年级下册)_第1页
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module 6 unit 2 the lodon eye is on your right 教案4(外研版七年级下册)_第2页
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1、Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right 教案 一.教学内容:Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.二.教学目标: 1掌握下列重点单词及短语的意思和用法:tour-tourist, painting clear.能力目标:2.能够通过书面表达给别人指路。3.能够根据地图讲清路线,描述某个地点的位置。 三.教学重难点: 重点句型:1. Welcome to this short tour of London.2. Turn left and go to 3. The best way to see London is b

2、y boat.难点:能够根据地图讲清路线,描述某个地点的位置。四.教学过程:课前准备各小组派4号同学将课前预习的短语写在黑板上。小组间检查。1.在一个晴朗的日子_ 2. 下船 _3. 在广场上 _ 4. 在你的右边_5. 沿着_ 6. 一所藏有名画的博物馆_7. 经过车站 _ 8. 右转进入_ 你的补充:_(一)复习检测。Read and check the new words and their Chinese meanings扫除生词障碍,为阅读做准备。(二)情景导入。Show some places about London. (三)自主合作,学习课文。1. Fast reading-A

3、nswer the following questions.(自主完成,展示答案)1. Who do you think writes the passage? A. a policeman B. a guide C. an officer D. a teacher2. Where do you think you may see the passage? A. In a story-book B. In a guide book C. On Tv D. On computer2.Careful Reading ARead paragraph 1, fill in the blanksThe

4、square is _ of London. _ is a museum called National Gallery. _ to Buckingham Palace, the Queen lives there. B. Read paragraph 2, do T or F questions. 1. Turn right and you can go to Houses of Parliament.2. The Big Ben is next to the Houses of Parliament.3. The London Eye is opposite the Big Ben.C.

5、Read paragraphs 3 and 4, choose correct answer.1. When youre tired, the best way to see London is _ A. by train B .by bus C. by boat2. When go along the river, the London Eye is _ A. on your right B. on your left C. in front of you3. The Tower of London is _ Tower Bridge.A. opposite B. next to C. on

6、 the right of(四)探究学习(五)小组自我补充1.自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。2.让学生疯狂朗读以上重点知识。(六)课堂活动设计Group work :have a discussion1 .Choose a starting place and a finishing place then discuss a route“We will start from.Go along .Next, turn left.”2. Find a way from Beihai Park to The Museum of Chinese History.Homework(任选一题)1. Write an email to a foreign friend and say how to get from the station or airport to your home.2. Write a tour of your town according to the following points. What are the most important places to see Where are they How you get there


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