module 1 unit 2 are they yours 教案4(外研版七年级下册)

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1、课题Module1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours?课型新授课授课时间年 月 日执笔人审稿人总第 2 课时相关标准陈述1. 能读懂有关失物招领的相关文体材料。2. 能够用短语或者句子描述系列图片。学习目标1 能够熟练运用失物招领方面的词汇短语。2 能够熟练掌握名词性物质代词。3 能写出简单的失物招领启事。评价活动方案1自主学习、合作学习的效果由学生自我评价。2小组内制定具体的评价方案。3老师适时检查。教 学 活 动 方 案随记【创设情境】 把几件学生的物品堆放在一起,让学生分别来认领,让学生描述自己的物品,恰当运用名词性物主代词。【确立目标】学生阅读学

2、习目标,总体把握本单元学习内容。【自主学习】重点词汇拓展1. 机场;航空港 _2. 百 _ 3. 千 _4. 几百;成百上千_ _5. 飞机_6. 奇怪的_7. 寻找_ 8. 香肠_教 学 活 动 方 案随记【合作交流】主格代词IYouhesheitweyouthey宾格代词形容词形物主代词名词性物主代词【分组展示】填写适当的单词,补全对话1. A: _ you see my watch ? B: No, I dont. Isnt it on your table ? A: Oh, _,here it is.2. A: Can you come to my party ? B: _ party

3、 ? A: Jims birthday party. B: _ _ is it ? A: At 7:00 in the evening.3. A: I _ find my phone ,can you help me ? B: Yes, _ a moment. A: OK.教 学 活 动 方 案随记【解疑释惑】l talk to意为“和 交谈”,talk作不及物动词,意为“讨论;交谈”。talk about sth.讨论某事 talk with sb. 和某人交谈l get on 上车 get off 下车get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 get on well wit

4、h sth. 某事进展顺利Im getting on well with my classmetes.我和我的同学相处的很融洽。How are you getting on well with your work?你的工作进展如何?l in a hurry 意为“匆匆忙忙地”hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事l leave sth. + 地点,表示把某物落在某地I often leave my homework at home.我经常把作业忘在家里。l Thats why 意为“是 的原因”Thats why they are on the news.那就是新闻报道他们的原因。l h

5、undreds of 意为“数百”,类似的短语还有thousands of(数以千计的),millions of (数百万的)。注意:hundreds of表示的是一个概数,前面不能再加基数词修饰。当hundred表示确切数目时,其前有一个具体的基数词修饰,此时hundred既不变为复数,也不与of连用【巩固训练】用所给词的正确形式填空1. Mike often _(play) football.2. _ you _(like) Chinese food or Western food?3. My English_(teach) is an old American.4. I feel ver

6、y bored.What about _(see) a film at the cinema?5. Jerry _(not do) his homework at noon6. There _(be) a pen and two boos on the desk.【拓展提升】阅读理解Sydney is the largest city in Australia. People call it “New York in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球)”People in Sydney call themselves Sydneysiders(悉尼人,悉尼居民). Mor

7、e than thirty thousand native(本土的) people in Australia live in Sydney and people call them aborigines(原居民). In the late 1700s,most of the people in Sydney were British.教 学 活 动 方 案随记The city has many famous places. The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It has about

8、1,000 rooms. The Sydney Tower is another place to visit. It is 304.8 meters high. On the tower,people can see the whole city of Sydney.Because Sydney is in the Southern Hemisphere,its season is opposite to (相反的) that in the Northern Hemisphere. The coldest month of the year in Sydney is July. People

9、 here seldom(很少) see snow,but it snows sometimes.1. Sydney is _ in Australia.A. the biggest city B. the second largest cityC. the smallest city D. the second smallest city2. We call the native people in Australia _.A. Sydneysiders B. aborigines C. Australians D. British3. In the late 1700s,most of t

10、he people in Sydney were _.A. New Yorks B. Americans C. British D. native people4. Which of the following sentences is not RIGHT?A. Sydney is in the Northern Hemisphere.B. The Sydney Opera House has about 1,000 rooms.C. On the Sydney Tower,people can see the whole Sydney.D. Sydney is a good place to visit.5. When it is summer in China,it is _ in Sydney.A. winter B. autumn C. summer D. spring【作业布置】根据提示写寻物启事和招领启事1. Lost: Mr.Wang 丢了一个黑色钱包,他的电话是13963518238。2. Found:Helen Green 拾到了一个手机,她的电话是5740107。


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