module 4 unit 2 our animal friends 教案 (牛津上海版七年级上册) (1)

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1、 Module 4 RelationshipsUnit 2 Our animal friends第一课时:翻到过去的教案,突然看到这样的东西,觉得还很不错呢。peoplebabyhouseLion/ bearcubcavecatkittenbasket来源:学科网pigpigletpigstybirdbirdie来源:Z#xx#k.Comnestdogpuppykennel觉得不错,把生词一下子解决了,puppykennelkitten; 引出了look after/ a vet/ a clinic; 引出了piglet和booklet还觉得问了两个很不错的问题呢。-Which animal

2、would you like to be a pet? (答:I prefer); - People like to have dogs as pets. There are many colours of dogs. Which one would you like? (答:I prefer the one).来源:学科网任务后活动:Groupwork1-分别扮演Kitty/Ben/ Mr. Li/ Mrs.Li-Role-play Sams story Groupwork2- Talk about pets教后反思:1填表格,若该成课前印刷品,应该会快极。2讲了一个南京虐杀狗事件,成功把k

3、ennel,puppy,SPCA,inspector及look after放入去,孩子们听说的津津有味第二课时:翻到过去这一节课,乏善可陈,故重起炉灶,设计了English definition:1. dogs house:来源:Z.xx.k.Com2. look after3. a small book4. a baby dog5. be not kind to sb.来源:学科网ZXXK6. die in the water7. collect money来源:Z+xx+k.Com8. baby cats9. a hospital for animals10. a special doct

4、or for animals11. lower in rank12. animals that are ill13. people working for the SPCA来源:学.科.网14. run and catch wild animals来源:学科网ZXXK来源:学科网15. people who cant see16. look after by watching来源:Z+xx+k.Com让学生通过上下文阅读得出单词意思,融单词学习与课文理解于一炉,不亦乐乎?课上还有记忆比赛,瞬间记住了the meaning of the SPCA,全班熙熙然、轰轰然、嗷嗷然,不亦乐乎?第三课时:

5、翻到过去这一节课,猛然想起这是初来金苹果时吴沄校长听我的第一节课,7年过去了,弹指一挥间!想到这,不禁唏嘘不已这节课,当时是金苹果黄金一代学生:庄一波、陈其尔、瞿雪松等人,虽从备课中看来当年的教法还显得幼稚,但还是觉得心潮澎湃、热血沸腾!重新备课,将本课分为两大部分,ancient times和modern times。来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#KAncient times:重在练过去式,板书lived,guarded,kept,helped和ate,学生每一个词说一句话,很快将课文的重点列好了,而且是学生自己弄出来的,不亦快哉!Modern times:抓住几种职业,farmers/ po

6、licemen/ blind people以及us,问了一个大问题:What do dogs help to do? 学生比书中说的多得多了!catch robbers,find lost people, guard our homes, cross the road, bring animals to the farmer等均出自学生之口,列于黑板上,一节课上完还多出15分钟,处理了Workbook以及Grammar Practice上的题目,上的很舒服!学得很轻松!时间少而且效率高,不亦快哉!不过,反思一下,还是有不足焉:虽有意识进行超文本训练,但未能完全跳出课本范围,为什么不带一下San Bernard dogs? 为什么不下载一点猛犬护主的文本或者短片,以丰富课堂呢?


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