module 2 unit 3 language in use 情态动词考点讲解 文本素材(外研版七年级下)

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module 2 unit 3 language in use 情态动词考点讲解 文本素材(外研版七年级下)_第1页
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module 2 unit 3 language in use 情态动词考点讲解 文本素材(外研版七年级下)_第2页
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1、中考考点情态动词练习及答案1. -Mum, may I watch TV now?-Sure, but you _ help me with my English.A. can B. may C. must D. could2. -_ I download the article again?-No,you neednt.A. Shall B. Will C. Must D. Can3. -Can you go skating with us this afternoon?-Sorry, I cant. I _ take care of my little sister at home.A.

2、can B. may C. would D. have to4. -Must I hand in my exercise book today?-No, you _.A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont5. -May I have a word with you?-No, you _. Im busy today.A. neednt B. wouldnt C. dont have toD. cant6. -_I have your English name, please?-Yes, Helen. H-E-L-E-N.A. Must B. May C. Wil

3、l D. Need7. -Who is the boy over there? Is it John?-No, it _ be him. John is much taller.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt8. -Can you play Frisbee, Jay?-Yes, I _. Its easy.A. must B. can C. need D. may9.-You must come back every month. -Yes, I _.A. will B. must C. should D. can10. She _ know th

4、e answer, but Im not sure.A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must11. - Must we clean the room right now?- No, you. You clean it after lunch.A. neednt;may B. neednt;mustC. Mustnt; can D. mustnt;may12. John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. can C. has to D. must13. Children _ play

5、 with fire.A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. neednt14. -_ I come in, Mr Green?-Yes,come in, please.A. Must B. Need C. Will D. May15. -Must I finish the work today?-No, you _. You _ finish it tomorrow.A. mustnt; may B. cant; canC. neednt; may D. neednt; must答案与解析1. C.这组对话的意思是:妈妈,我现在可以看电视吗?当然,但你必须帮我学英语

6、。该题测试情态动词的用法。表示主观上看来必须要做的事,要用must.2. C.这组对话的意思是:我必须再次下载这篇文章吗?不必了。该题测试情态动词的用法。根据答语 No, you neednt 就能确定要选C.3. D.这组对话的意思是:今天下午你能同我们一块去溜冰吗?抱歉,我不能去。我必须在家照看我小妹妹。该题测试情态动词的用法。表示客观上不得不做某事时,要用have to.4. B.这组对话的意思是:我必须今天交作业吗?不必。该题测试情态动词的用法。对以must开头的问句进行否定回答时,要用neednt.5. D.这组对话的意思是:我可以跟你说句话吗?不行,我今天很忙。 该题测试情态动词的

7、用法。对May开头的问句进行否定回答时,通常用cant或may not来回答。6. B.这组对话的意思是:我可以知道您的英文名字吗可以,海伦。H-E-L-E-N.该题测试情态动词的用法。请求对方许可时,常用 May I (we)。7. C.这组对话的意思是:那边的那个男生是谁?是约翰吗?那不可能是他,约翰个子高些。该题测试情态动词的用法。表示很肯定的否定推测时,用cant.8. B.这组对话的意思是:杰伊,你会扔飞盘吗?会,小菜一碟。该题测试情态动词的用法。一般说来,以情态动词can开头的问句,肯定回答用can;否定回答用cant.英语情态动词 :9. A.此题易误选为B或C.这是因为受了思维

8、定势的影响引起的,因为前面句子中的must这个词,许多人就想当然地选择了B项。其实,这里应该选择A项,句意为:你必须每月回来一次。好的,我会的。10. C.maybe是副词,意为可能;也许,在句中作状语。may be是两个不同的词,其中,may是情态动词,be是连系动词,在句中作谓语。11. A.neednt表示没有必要;may意为可以.12. A.考查情态动词。由后文但他还不能肯定可知,他可能会来,所以选A.can表示推测的可能,多用于否定句或疑问句中,must是有把握的肯定推测,一定.13. A.考查情态动词。mustnt千万不,绝不能,一定不要;cant不能;shouldnt不应该;neednt不必要。英语情态动词 :14. D.考查情态动词。请求允许用may或can.15. C.考查情态动词。否定回答must,表示不必用neednt,排除A和B.又表示允许可以,用may或can,所以A正确。若用must与前面neednt相矛盾。



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