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1、初二英语期末试题 2017.6.12(满分:120分 时间:100分钟)本试卷分第卷 (选择题) 和第卷 (非选择题) 两部分。共九大题, 第卷 (选择题,共70分)一、听力选择 (20分) A) 根据所听到的对话内容,选择正确的选项。(每小题1分) 1. What sign can they see?A.B.C.2. Which organization does Jacks sister work for?A.B.C.3. How will the woman go to Los Angeles?A.B.C. 4. Where are they going tonight?Sichuan

2、Restaurant cinemaA.B.C.5.When will the plane take off?A. 7:15.B. 7:00.C. 7:30. 6.What kind of weather doesnt the man like?A. Cloudy days.B. Hot days.C. Rainy days.7. Why is the boy still in the library? A. Because the book is interesting. B. Because he forgets the time. C. Because the bad weather pr

3、events him from leaving.8. How long has the woman been here?A. For 5 minutes.B. For 20 minutes.C. For 15 minutes.9. How much more money does the man need to buy the book? A. 15 yuan.B. 10 yuan.C. 5 yuan.10. What does the man think of the film?A. Wonderful.B. Boring.C. Interesting.B) 根据所听到的对话或短文内容,选择

4、正确的选项。(每小题1分)听第11段材料,回答第11-12小题。11. How many times has the boy read the novel?A. Never. B. Twice. C. Three times.12. What will the girl probably do?A. Shell borrow the novel. B. Shell go to buy the novel.C. Shell work in the bookshop.听第12段材料,回答第13-15小题。根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Joe ReedEducation backgro

5、undstudied in school for fourteen yearsalready 13 years old when he finished schoolFathers advicego to town and get a good jobsome clever people are needed to work 14 Hunting for a joba man took him into 15 Joe answered the questions quickly13. A. eighteen B. sixteen C. seventeen14. A. in a computer

6、 company B. in the bank C. in the office15. A. a small roomB. a big office C. a small hotel听第13段材料,回答第16-20小题。16.Why was Fathers Day started? A. Because there was a Mothers Day. B. Because few countries have a Fathers Day. C. Because people liked their fathers very much.17. Where was Fathers Day sta

7、rted? A. In China. B. In Australia. C. In America.18. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Fathers Day has a long history. B. Fathers Day has a short history. C. Mothers Day has a shorter history than Fathers Day.19. Whats the writers idea? A. Fathers Day is getting popular. B. Fathers Day is a public

8、 holiday in China. C. Fathers work harder than mothers.20. What is the real meaning of Fathers Day? A. To buy presents for fathers. B. To tell children what to do.C. To show love for fathers.二、单项填空 (15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Xi made his visit to Finland ,_European country. It was _ great

9、 success. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a2-1-c-n-j-y22.The shop in Wanda Square _for five years, but I _there so far.A. has opened; havent gone B. has been open; havent beenC. has been open; havent gone D. has opened; havent been 23.Its kind _ them to give food and clothes to homeless people. Th

10、ey think it important _ them to do so.A. of ; for B. for ; of C. of ; to D. to; for 24.When did your father come back from England? _.A. Until 2 weeks ago. B. Since 2 weeks ago. C. For 2 weeks. D. Not until last Sunday25. What do you think of being a volunteer _ the Youth Olympic Games? Well, I feel

11、 proud that I can work here _ a volunteer.A. with; for B. for; with C. for; as D. as; for21cnjy26.Are you sure you have to do this now? Its been very lateI dont know to do it if not nowAwhere Bhow Cwhat Dwhen27.Which of the following is an opinion?A. There are many restaurants in Suzhou.B. Thousands

12、 of people visit Suzhou Gardens every year.C. 2016 World Badminton Championships were held in Kunshan.D. Life in Suzhou is Getting better in some ways.28.Id like to travel to Moscow for vacation. Be realistic! For our poor situation at present, we cant _ a vacation.A. Afford B. offer C. accept D. pr

13、ovide29.Would you mind my opening the window? _. Its too cold outside the room now.A. Never mind B. Better not C. Im afraid not D. Of course not 30. Hes already back to the USA, _? _.He is on a business trip in Suzhou.A. isnt he; Yes B. hasnt he; No C. hasnt he; Yes D. isnt he; No31.Who can help me carry the heavy box?I think David is _ to do it. But the door is _for him to go through.A. too strong; too narrow B. too strong; narrow enough21教育名师原创作品C. strong enough; too narrow D. strong enough; narrow enoug



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