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1、 M3U1期末复习教师版一单词拼写1.The radio f_ that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon2.I only had time to g_ at the newspapers.3.What are you two _ (小声说,低语) about over there?4.It was _(观察) that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure. 5.“Thank you so much for coming to my aid,” said Polly i

2、n r_6.Though I havent seen Jimmy for twenty years, I _(认出) him the moment I saw him. 7.English has so many c_ rules.8. Soon after the earthquake, a team of 100 v_ arrived in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province to help the wounded, sick and helpless without any pay.9. There are several a_ to the problem10.He

3、turned as someone _(轻拍) him on the shoulder. 11.A _(十字路口) is a place where roads cross. 12.Your suggestion has not been _(忽视). It is still under discussion.13.The_(售票员) says the bus_ (票价) has gone up by 20%. 14.The governments actions are _(相反的) to the public interest. 15.Tea is more popular than co

4、ffee in China. On the c_, it is quite the opposite in the USA16.The diamond ring is my most valuable piece of _(珠宝). 17.I dont mind thunder, but _(闪电) frightens me.18.Polly found herself s_ up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm.19.Everyone likes him because he has a good s_ of humor.

5、20. The girl was frozen with fear at the s_ of the tiger before her.21. The little child r_ out his hand for the toy on his bed and g_ its arm.22. The student cheating in the exam p_ when he felt the teacher approaching him.23. Once _, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。1. forecast 2. glance 3. whispering 4. ob

6、served 5. relief 6. recognized 7. confusing 8. volunteers 9. approaches 10. tapped 11. crossroads 12. ignored 13. conductor, fare 14. contrary 15. contrary 16. jewellery 17. lightning 18. staring 19. sense 20. sight 21. reached, grasped 22. panicked 23. bitten 二动词填空 1. He put a notice on the wall_(s

7、ay) “No smoking.”2. The young man woke up and found himself _(tie) to a tree.3.Once _(make)up, my fathers mind will never be changed.4. She felt a rough hand _ (brush ) her face.5. He made some foreign friends_ (improve) his spoken English.6. He didnt notice that he was walking into fields, because

8、he _(stare) up at the stars in the sky.7. - Do you hear someone _(knock) at the door?- Yes, I did. I heard him _(knock) three times.8. The man _(refer) to has gone.9. The meeting_ (hold) tomorrow is very important.10. I felt a great weight _(take) off my mind when they promised that they would alway

9、s be with us whenever we have difficulties.11. If you are interested in our product, dont hesitate _ (contact) us.12. The primary school_(attach) to the university is very famous.13. How I wish I _ (not take) your advice, but I did.14. The woman found herself _ (lose) in the fog.1. saying 2. tied 3.

10、 made 4. brush 5. to improve 6. was staring 7. knocking, knock 8. referred 9. to be held 10. taken 11. to contact 12. attached 13. hadnt taken 14. lost三句型转换1. If you work hard, it is possible that you will be admitted into Peiking University.If you work hard, you _are_ _likely_ _to_ be admitted into

11、 Peiking University.2. It happened that I had heard about him before I came to the school.I _happened_ _to_ _have_ heard about him before I came to the school.3. Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen. _It_ remains _to_ _be_ _seen_ _whether_ it will do us harm or good.4. It surprised

12、us all that he got killed in the race.The news _that_ he got killed in the race _surprised_ us all.5. I could find my purse nowhere.My purse _was_ _nowhere_ _to_ _be_ _found_.6. I saw her hurrying away, but I didnt speak to her.I _caught_ _sight_ _of_ her hurrying away, but I didnt speak to her.7. H

13、is absence increased our difficulty in finishing the task in time.His absence _added_ to_ our difficulty in finishing the task in time.8. It appears that Mary is doing research on whether pleasant smells reduce pain. Mary _appears_ _to_be_doing_ research on whether pleasant smells reduce pain.9What

14、made her disappointed was that her son failed the test again. _To_ _her_ _disappointment_, her son failed the test again.10. To improve your spoken English, you should make full use of every chance you have to speak English.To improve your spoken English, you should _make_ _the_ _most/best_ _of_ every chance you have to speak English. 四完成句子1. 恐惧使她一动不动。Fear _held_ _her_ _still_.2. 过马路时, 要当心过往车辆。While _you_ _cross_ the street, _watch_ _o


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