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1、题组层级快练40 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors. 阅读理解Find a large enough container to fit the egg. Fill the container with vinegar(醋). Dont fill it all the way to the brim though, because then putting the egg in will make it overflowJust add around 10 drops of the dye to the vinegar to make your finished bou

2、ncy egg any color you want to.Get a raw, unboiled egg. Place it in the vinegarfilled container. Just drop it in from right above the vinegar and make sure it is completely submerged (淹没)Cover the container. The less sunlight it gets, the better. Wait for the shell of the egg to completely dissolve.

3、This process can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. To be on the safe side, wait three days before continuing.Look at the egg through the container every once and a while to check its progress. The egg will turn a transparent color because the eggshell is increasing in thickness. The eggshell will s

4、oon dissolve, leaving just a thick strong egg white.The reason why shell dissolves(溶解) is that vinegar is a weak acid. The eggshell is made of calcium carbonate(碳酸钙). When the shell meets vinegar, it makes a chemical reaction that turns the calcium carbonate into carbon dioxide.Take the egg out of t

5、he vinegar carefully. Just reach in and pull it out with your hand. Dont forget to wash your hand afterwards. Place the egg on a couple of paper towels to let it dry.Be extra careful when handling a raw bouncy egg. It will be more easily broken than a boiled bouncy egg.Bounce it. Start with just a f

6、ew inches, and have cleaning supplies ready!1. What does the underlined word “overflow” probably mean in Paragraph 1?A. Flow out of the container.B. To be full of a container.C. Fall onto the table or desk.D. Break into small pieces.2. What is the purpose to cover the container?A. To keep air out of

7、 the container.B. To keep it from being seen.C. To keep the container cool.D. To keep away from the sunlight.3. It infers that the container must be _A. hard enoughB. transparent enoughC. strong enough D. big enough4. What makes the eggshell dissolve?A. Water in the container.B. Air in the container

8、.C. The chemical reaction.D. The carbon dioxide.5. The passage mainly tells us _A. how to play with a bouncy eggB. why eggshell dissolves at lastC. how to make an unboiled bouncy eggD. how to protect a bouncy egg答案与解析【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。为我们讲述了制作弹力鸡蛋的实验过程。醋中含有弱酸,鸡蛋壳的主要成分为碳酸钙,两者发生化学反应生成醋酸钙和二氧化碳,醋酸钙为可溶盐,使蛋白质

9、发生盐析现象,使蛋白质凝固。1. 答案A解析词义猜测题。第一段最后一句:不要用醋酸装满容器,以防把鸡蛋放入使得醋酸溢出。选A项。2. 答案D解析推理判断题。第四段“Cover the container. The less sunlight it gets, the better.”覆盖容器,接受的阳光越少越好。由此可知,覆盖为了遮挡阳光。3. 答案B解析推理判断题。第五段“Look at the egg through the container”可知,容器必须是透明的。transplant一词,同学们不熟,用排除法。4. 答案C解析细节理解题。第六段“When the shell meet

10、s vinegar, it makes a chemical reaction”醋酸遇到碳酸钙,形成可溶性醋酸盐。因此是化学反应使之然也。5. 答案C解析主旨大意题。通读全文及第二段“make your finished bouncy egg”可知,写作目的是讲如何制作没有煮熟的弹力鸡蛋。Many years after his grandpas truck was sold, Robbie found it in a garage in Yonkers. He bought the truck and is now having fun fixing it up.Grandpa was a

11、roofer (盖顶工) and a coppersmith. The local people said Grandpa was known as the best roofer for miles around.My grandpa paid $450 for his truck, a46 Chevy. I was about 5 years old when I took my first ride in it.I studied to be a teacher. I also became a firefighter and traveled the same streets that

12、 Grandpa and I had covered years before.Grandpas business closed in the late 1960s, and he passed away in 1974. My dad sold off all of the equipment, including the truck, a few years later. As time went by, I often thought of Grandpas little red truck and wondered whatever happened to it.One day in

13、2006, when I was at the dentists office, Sandy, the receptionist (接待员;传达员), and I were talking about trucks. She told me she had a little red truck with some writing painted on its side doors. I told her my grandpa used to own a similar truck, so she invited me to come and see it.The first chance I

14、had, I drove to her garage. Slowly I opened the large door and in front of me was a very special memory come to life.My eyes widened and a tear ran down my cheek.I walked over and opened the passenger door. I had ridden on that side so many years before.For the first time in my life, I slid across a

15、nd sat in the drivers seat.My dream had come true. Before I left that day, I said softly, “Grandpa, I found your truck.”I bought the truck and moved it to the very first garage Grandpa put it in when he brought it home. I am hoping that with lots of elbow grease, as Grandpa would say, the little red

16、 truck will soon journey down the familiar streets of my childhood once again.6. Why was Grandpa popular to the local people mostly?A. Because he was a very famous coppersmith.B. Because he was rich enough to have a truck.C. Because he used to help them build houses.D. Because he raised a big family in a small house.7. Accordi


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