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1、Unit 1 Friendship.完形填空(建议用时17) 2017辽宁葫芦岛六校联合月考I wouldnt have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words: DONT FORGET. I was _1_. Dont forget what? Under the words were three numbered items. 1.Snow peas. 2.Shakespeare. 3.Sadira Kirmani. What was my name doing on someones list?Yesterday

2、was my first day here. Since Mrs Allison _2_ me, nobody except the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch. I tried to _3_ on the lessons, but my mind went _4_. Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me? “Sadira.” I _5_ when Mrs Allison called my name. “Its time to line up for

3、_6_.”As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces ask, “Whats that?”,_7_ at a pan. “Snow peas,” the lady answered. “Ill try some snow peas,” the boy behind me _8_. Snow peas! Number 1 on the list.After lunch, Mrs Allison _9_ that it was “rhyme time”. The boy whod asked for snow peas stood

4、 up. “OK, Wyatt.” Mrs Allison nodded. “To be or not to be.”Wyatt began. When he _10_, Mrs Allison added, “Shakespeare wrote sonnets, a special kind of _11_.” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to _12_,wondering what would happen next.After school, I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a whi

5、le before I _13_ Wyatt. He smiled in a _14_ way, saying “I wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot.”“Forgot what?”“Youre Number 3 on my list.”So now I _15_ what was going on. “My moms _16_. Im supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt.That night, I made my own _17_. 1.Try the spina

6、ch quiche. 2.Offer my _18_ to the boy with glasses.3.Say _19_ to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more _20_: Thank Wyatt.篇章导读:本文讲述作者遭遇到转学后的一件事,使作者学会了如何让自己每天尝试三件“新”事。1A.enthusiastic Bgrateful Ccurious D optimistic答案:C根据下文一系列的问题,可推知作者感到很好奇。2A.introduced B encouragedCrecommended D

7、dismissed答案:A根据上文“Yesterday was my first day here.”可知,艾利森夫人是介绍“我”。3A.bring BcarryCrelyDconcentrate答案:D根据上文作者的遭遇,4空前but引出的转折以及下文中的问题“Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me?”可知,此处表示作者想集中注意力。4A.weak B blank Cexcited D pale答案:B根据3题的分析可推知,此处表示大脑一片空白。5A.shouted B laughed Cjumped D greeted答案:C由于上文提到作者注意力不集中,所以老师喊到

8、他名字的时候,他的反应应该是跳起来(jump)。6A.class B supper Csports D lunch答案:D根据第四段首句中的After lunch可知,大家排队去吃午饭。7A.pointing B glaring Cknocking D coming答案:A根据当时的情景可推知,女孩儿指着锅问。故填pointing。8A.worked out B checked outCshouted out D figured out答案:C根据“Ill try some snow peas”可知,后面的男孩应该在大喊。9A.predicted B announcedCresponded D

9、 reported答案:B根据语境可知,吃完午饭后,艾利森夫人应是宣布下午上什么课。10A.finished B copied Cprepared D returned答案:A根据上文“To be or not to be.”可知,Wyatt 开始背诗,此处应是背完之后。故填A。11A.theatre B novel Carticle D poetry答案:D根据“it was rhyme time”以及sonnets(十四行诗)可知,应选D项。12A.disappoint B panicCcalm D annoy答案:B到此,卡片上的“Snow peas.”与“Shakespeare.”已经

10、出现,作者想到的是马上应该是有事发生在他身上。故作者有些惊慌。13A.knew B rememberedCunderstood D noticed答案:D根据下文“He smiled in a _14_ way, saying.”可知,在放学路上作者遇到了Wyatt。根据上文“I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a while before.”可知作者开始没“注意”到Wyatt。14A.strict B friendly Csad D.voluntary答案:B根据smiled可知,怀亚特是用友好的方式与作者说话。15A.pointed out B ref

11、erred toCfound out D appealed to答案:C根据上文介绍的语境可知,此处表示作者弄明白了发生了什么事,再结合下文作者的同学说的话,可知答案选C。16A.idea B invitationCcommand D preference答案:A根据下文中“Im supposed to try three new things every day.”可知,此处表示的是怀亚特的妈妈的想法。17A.meal B list Crhyme D.cake答案:B根据本文讲述的主题可知,作者也学着列单子让自己尝试新事物。18A.card B peas Cdessert D homewor

12、k答案:C由3空前的“.asked if he could have my cake at lunch.”可知,此处用dessert“甜品”。19A.please B sorry Cgoodbye D hello答案:Dsay hello to sb.表示“与某人打招呼”。20A.number B entry Cperson D word答案:Bentry此处表示“词条”,与第一段中的items相呼应。.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2017华南师大附中模拟Jack looked up and saw in the distance red and green navigation lights

13、coming towards them and knew it must be a naval patrol (巡逻) boat because of its speed. As the humming of the boats powerful engines drew closer, Jack bent down.Jack then let out a frightened cry as the brilliant beam of a searchlight broke the darkness and swept the fishing boat from head to tail. B

14、y its reflected light, Jack could clearly see the similar looks on the faces of other bent ones.Jack knew that if the patrol boat came close enough, its men would surely see the people hidden in the fishing boat. To collect himself, he leaned his head a little so that he could see Derek standing in

15、the head of the boat, holding the tiller (舵柄). Derek managed to wave back at the patrol boat as if he had not a care in the world. How imperturbable he was!Someone on board the patrol boat switched on a loud speaker and a voice, made harsh and thin by its horn, demanded, “Where are you bound?”Derek shrugged and shouted back, “Tell


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