2018-2019学年高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测:Unit 23 Conflict23-1a(含答案)

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1、课时语法精讲 KESHIYUFAJINGJIANG语法预备役根据汉语提示完成句子1_ has drumming caused such conflict.练击鼓引起这样的冲突是很少见的。答案:Seldom2_ they known their neighbour was a drummer, they wouldnt have moved into the building.要是早知道他们的邻居是一位鼓手,他们就不会搬进这座大楼。答案:Had3_ could they relax or read a book without plugging their ears.如果不塞住耳朵他们就不能休息

2、或者看书。答案:Neither4_ only after careful consideration _ we gave Yang Ming a warning.直到经过仔细的考虑之后,我们才给杨明一个警告。答案:It was; that5_ had they moved in than the noise began and _ did they get a full nights sleep.他们一进来噪音就开始了,而且他们几乎没有睡过一个整夜觉。答案:No sooner; rarely语法讲座一、倒装句1倒装的含义在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时为了强调句子的某

3、一部分或其他原因,谓语需要全部或部分移到主语的前面,这叫语序倒装。2倒装的分类倒装有两种:全部倒装和部分倒装。在倒装语序中,若整个谓语都在主语之前,称为全部倒装。若谓语一部分(通常是助动词、情态动词或be动词)位于主语之前,则称之为部分倒装。3全部倒装的应用场合(1)there be 句型中,其中be可换作appear, come, exist, happen, lie, remain, seem, stand, ring等动词。There stands a temple on the top of the mountain.山顶上有一座寺庙。There rings the bell.铃响了。

4、(2)由副词here, there, now, then等开头的句子,谓语动词是be, come, follow, go, begin等,且主语是名词时。There goes the last bus.末班车开走了。Here are some picturebooks.这是一些图画书。(3)表“动态”的副词in, out等置于句首作状语时,且句子主语是名词时。Out rushed the boy, crying.那个男孩哭着跑出来了。注意:代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。In she came and the lesson began.她走进来开始上课。(4)表示地点的介词词组位于句首时。Nort

5、h of the city lies a river.城北有条河。In front of our house stands a big tree.我们的房子前有一棵大树。(5)such置于句首时(多被认为是表语,such后的be动词应与其后真正的主语保持一致)。Such is life!人生就是这样!Such were his words.他就是这样说的。(6)作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首时,此时倒装结构为“表语连系动词主语”。形容词连系动词主语Present at the meeting were some important figures.出席会议的是一些重要人物。分词连系动词

6、主语Gone are the days when Chinese were burdened with three mountains.中国人民肩负三座大山的日子一去不复返了。Sitting in front of the house was a little girl.一个小女孩坐在房子的前面。介词短语连系动词主语Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.这些商品里有圣诞树、鲜花、蜡烛及玩具等。强化印证1用倒装句型翻译下列句子1城市南边有一家大型钢厂。_答案:South of the city lies a

7、big steel factory.2在所有的货物中有书、练习册、钢笔和其他东西。_答案:Among the goods are books, exercisebooks, pens and some other things.3他们来到一个小村庄,村庄前面是条大河。_答案:They arrived at a small village, in front of which was a big river.4接着来的是足球运动员。_答案:Then came the football players.5出席会议的有李老师、王老师和其他很多教师。_答案:Present at the meeting

8、 were Mr. Li, Mr. Wang and many other teachers.4部分倒装的应用场合(1)否定或半否定意义的副词或介词短语置于句首时,引起部分倒装结构。常见的词有以下几种:否定意义系列:no, nowhere, not, never;否定意义短语“绝不”系列:in no way, at no time, in no case, by no means, on no account, on/under no condition;半否定意义系列:seldom, hardly,scarcely,barely,little,few等。Seldom does he go t

9、o the park at weekend.周末他很少去公园。By no means is she an inexperienced teacher.她绝不是个毫无经验的老师。Under no condition should you tell them what happened.你绝不能告诉他们所发生的事。注意:few, little作主语或修饰主语时,则用自然语序。如:Few students are in the classroom after 10 oclock in the evening.晚上十点钟之后很少有学生在教室里。(2)常使用部分倒装的否定词在句首的特殊句型。Not on

10、ly.but (also).连接两个并列分句时,前一个分句用部分倒装结构,而后一个分句不倒装。Not only are the students planting trees, but (also) the teacher is.不仅学生们在种树,老师也在种。Neither.nor.引导两个分句时,两个分句用部分倒装。Neither have I seen him recently, nor have I heard from him.我最近既没见到他,也没收到他的来信。Hardly (Scarcely/Barely).when.和No sooner. than.句型,意为“一就”。当Hard

11、ly (Scarcely/Barely)或No sooner置于句首时,主句的谓语动词用部分倒装,并且主句多用过去完成时。Hardly had we sat down at the table when the phone rang.No sooner had we sat down at the table than the phone rang.我们刚在桌子旁坐下,电话铃就响了。Not until从句或短语在句首时,后面主句的谓语动词用部分倒装结构,而从句不倒装。Not until she saw the present did she feel happy.直到看到礼物,她才感到高兴。(

12、3)“so形容词/副词that”和“such名词that”句型,意为“如此以至于”。当so形容词/副词,such名词位于句首时,主句的谓语动词用部分倒装结构,但从句不倒装。So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.他讲英语非常清晰,总能让别人听懂。So beautiful a girl/Such a beautiful girl is she that many young boys fall in love with her.她是一个如此美丽的姑娘,以至于许多小伙子都爱上了她。(4)

13、当副词only强调状语(介词短语/副词/状语从句),并且置于句首时,句子谓语动词用部分倒装。Only when he returned did we find out the truth.只是到了他回来时我们才发现实情。但如果only不用于以上结构,只修饰主语时,不用倒装。Only his brother was right.只有他的弟弟(哥哥)是对的。(5)so/neither/nor置于句首,表示前者情况也适用于后者,其句型为:so/neither/norbe动词/助动词/情态动词主语,so与前面的肯定句呼应;neither, nor与前面的否定句呼应。After that we neve

14、r saw her again, nor did we hear from her.从那以后我们再也没见过她,也没有收到过她的信件。I saw the film last week, so did she.上周我看了这部电影,她也看了。I dont think I can walk any further.我想我再也走不动了。Neither can I. Lets stop here for a rest.我也是,咱们在这儿休息一会儿吧。He has passed the exam, so have I.他考试及格了,我也是。If you dont do the work, neither shall I.如果你不做这项工作,我也不做。注意:如果后一句只是单纯地重复前句的内容,对其肯定或附和,此时译作“确实”,采用自然语序。John won the first prize in the co


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