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1、 Module 6Old and New(限时:35分钟)(对应学生用书第332页).语法填空(2017长春监测)On the first day of her work,Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her.She was told six teachers 1. (quit) before her.When she walked into the classroom,it was chaos: two boys were fighting in a corner,yet 2. rest of the cl

2、ass seemed not to notice them; some girls were chatting and some were running about with paper, food packages and other garbage 3. (leave) everywhere.Sally walked onto the platform,4. (pick) up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: “Rule 1: We are family!” All students stopped 5. (look) at h

3、er.And she continued with Rule 2, Rule 3.In the following weeks, Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them 6. the wall of the classroom.She patiently explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them.7 (surprise), Sally was not driven out like the former teachers;8.

4、, she won respect from the students.Over the years, she has witnessed gradual changes in the class.At the graduation ceremony,just 9. she expected, she was very proud to stand with a class of care, manners and 10. (confident)【语篇解读】本文讲述了一名老师通过努力制定课堂规则,最终感化学生的故事。1had quit(ted)考查动词的时态。句意:她被告知在她之前已有六位老师

5、辞职。根据语境,quit的动作发生在was told之前,即“过去的过去”,应用过去完成时。故填had quit(ted)。2the考查冠词。句意:当她走进教室的时候,教室里一片混乱:两个男孩在角落里打架,而班里剩下的人好像根本没注意到他们;一些女孩在聊天,一些人在到处跑,到处都是纸、食品袋和其他垃圾。the rest of为固定短语,意为“其余的”。故填the。3left考查非谓语动词。句意见上一题解析。此处为“with宾语宾补”的复合结构,逻辑主语为paper,food packages and other garbage,与动词leave之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。故填left。

6、4picked考查动词的时态。句意:萨莉走上讲台,拿起一支粉笔在黑板上写下:“规则1:我们是一家人!”分析句子结构可知,设空处与walked和wrote为并列的谓语动词,因此,应用一般过去时,故填picked。5to look考查非谓语动词。句意:所有学生都停下来看着她。此处指学生停下正在做的事情来看她。stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做某事”。故填to look。6on/onto考查介词。句意:接下来的几周,萨莉制定了10条班级规则,并把它们张贴在教室的墙上。post.on/onto.意为“把张贴在上”,故填on或onto。7Surprisingly考查词性转换。句意:令人惊讶的

7、是,萨莉并没有像之前的老师那样被赶走,反而赢得了学生们的尊重。设空处在句中作评注性状语,修饰整个句子,应用副词。故填surprisingly。8instead考查副词。句意见上一题解析。根据句意可知,上下文是对比关系,设空处表示“而不是;相反”。故填instead。9as考查定语从句。句意:在毕业典礼上,正如她所期待的那样,她非常自豪地与一个细心、礼貌并且自信的班级站在一起。本句是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰整个句子,且位于句首,根据句意可知,设空处表示“正如”。故填as。10confidence考查词性转换。句意见上一题解析。设空处作介词of的宾语,应用名词,故填confidence。 【导学

8、号:44040183】.短文改错(2017青岛检测)Dear Jenny,I am really sorry to hear that you feel bad after enter the high school.There is nothing that you can do to change this situation.First, try to invite some of your classmate to take part some activities together after school.This will help you understand each oth

9、er better.Then, help others when they are in the trouble, but ask them to help you when you have difficulties.As far as I am concerned, life in senior high school was stressful.But I am determining to overcome all the difficulties and learn all subjects good.I hope you will get used with the life in

10、 the new school earlier!Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Jenny,I am really sorry to hear that you feel bad after the high school.There is that you can do to change this situation.First, try to invite some of your to take part some activities together after school.This will help you understand each other better.

11、Then, help others when they are in trouble, ask them to help you when you have difficulties.As far as I am concerned, life in senior high school stressful.But I am to overcome all the difficulties and learn all subjects .I hope you will get used the life in the new school earlier!Yours,Li Hua第一处:ent

12、erentering考查动名词的用法。此处after为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,因此动词enter改为动名词entering。第二处:nothingsomething考查不定代词。根据下文作者提出的两条建议可知,此处表示“你可以采取措施来改变这种状况”,nothing不符合语境。故改为something。第三处:classmateclassmates考查名词复数。classmate是可数名词,由“some”可知,此处不止一个同学,所以改为复数classmates。第四处:part后加in考查动词短语。动词短语take part in意为“参加”,后接名词词组some activities,

13、表示“参加一些活动”。故加in。第五处:删去the考查固定搭配。固定介词短语in trouble意为“处于困境中”,中间不用定冠词。故去掉the。第六处:butand考查并列连词。“当别人处于困境时帮助他们”和“当你有困难时请他们帮助你”之间没有转折的语气,是顺承关系。故用and连接。第七处:wasis考查动词的时态。“高中生活是有压力的”描述的是客观事实,用一般现在时。故将was改为is。第八处:determiningdetermined考查固定短语。固定短语be determined to do sth.意为“下决心做某事”。故改为determined。第九处:goodwell考查副词的用

14、法。good是形容词,此处应用副词修饰动词learn。故将good改为well。第十处:withto考查固定搭配。固定短语get/be used to意为“习惯于”。句意:我希望你尽早习惯新学校的生活。故将with改为to。.书面表达(2017惠州市高三调研)假定你是李华。你的美国笔友Tom对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣。恰好你校今年暑假将为外国学生举办一场汉语夏令营(Chinese Summer Camp)活动,请你给他发一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加这一夏令营活动,内容包括:1夏令营的时间和地点;2夏令营的内容,如学习日常汉语、了解中国历史和传统文化、参观博物馆等;3报名方式和截止日期。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Tom,Here comes a piece of good news.


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