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1、词汇如何写对 .选词填空1He tried (managed, tried) to swim across the river, but failed.2He was awarded (awarded, rewarded) the Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding contribution to world peace.3We arrived_at (arrived, arrived at) the railway station at noon.4If you come across a(n) unknown (known, unknown) Eng

2、lish word, you can refer to your edictionary to find its meaning.5It is reported that by the end of next week the price will have risen (raised, risen) by about 10%.6Whenever we are in trouble, we should never lose heart (heart, hearts)7Have you sent thankyou notes to the relatives from whom you rec

3、eived (received, accepted) gifts?8Jack beat (won, beat) me in a contest held last week in our school.9Please go to the office and fetch (take, fetch) me some chalk.10How long have you known (recognized, known) Mr. Zhang?.判断正误1()Nothing happened since we parted.()Nothing has happened since we parted.

4、2()She is one of the most successful student in our school.()She is one of the most successful students in our school.3()I was watching TV when someone knocked at the door.()I was watching TV when someone knocked the door.4()Having learned English for 3 months, I can speak a little English now.()Hav

5、ing learned English for 3 months, I can say a little English now.5()We gathered the wood, they set up the tent.()We gathered the wood and they set up the tent.6()Because my car broke down on the way, I came late.()Because my car broke down on the way, so I came late.7()Under the teachers help, I hav

6、e made progress in my English.()With the teachers help, I have made progress in my English./With the help of the teacher, I have made progress in my English.8()I didnt go out, I stayed home and read.()I didnt go out; instead, I stayed home and read.同义句转换1我相信这会使每个人受益。Im sure this will benefit everyon

7、e.Im sure this will be_of_benefit_to everyone.Im sure this will be_beneficial_to everyone.Im sure everyone will benefit_from this.2如果你愿意再教我一次如何使用这个表达方式,我将不胜感激。I would thank you if you would like to teach me how to use the expression once more.I would appreciate_it if you would like to teach me how to use the expression once more.I would be_thankful/grateful if you would like to teach me how to use the expression once more.3你必须充分利用你所学到的。You must use what you have learned well.You must make_good_use_of what you have learned.You must put what you have learned to_good_use.



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