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1、Module 1Basketball.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (2017山西太原模拟,C)You signed up for soccer, and played every game of the season. Sure, youre not the best player on the team, but most days you gave it your all. Do you deserve a trophy (奖杯)?If the decision were up to Carol Dweck, the answer would

2、 likely be no. Shes a psychology professor at Stanford University, California. She says a player doesnt have to be the best to get a trophy. But those who receive an award should have to work for it. She suggests trophies go to the most improved player, or the one who contributed most to the team sp

3、irit, as well as those who play the best.“The trophy has to stand for something,” Dweck told TFK. “If we give a trophy to everyone, then the award has no value.” Dweck argues that giving kids trophies for particular reasons, such as improving in a sport, teaches kids that adults value hard work. Oth

4、ers say that theres no harm in giving awards to all kids who play a sport, regardless of how they played or whether or not they improved.“I think we should encourage kids participation in sports,” says Kenneth Barish, a psychology professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York City. “A trop

5、hy is one way to encourage kids efforts.”Barish argues that when we single out only the best or even the most improved players for a trophy, we are teaching kids the wrong lesson. We are sending the message that winning is everything. “Winning is only part of the equation (等式),” Barish told TFK. “Pl

6、aying sports also teaches kids something about teamwork and the importance of exercise.” “There will be plenty of opportunities for kids to learn about competition as they get older,” says Barish. Theyll soon realize that only one soccer team wins the World Cup and only one football team wins the Su

7、per Bowl. For now, he thinks theres nothing wrong with letting all kids who play a sport feel like winners. That means trophies for everyone. 1.According to Carol Dweck, which player should receive a trophy?A.Tony, the most attractive player of the soccer team.B.David, a soccer player who is both cl

8、ever and funny.C.Peter, who is ready to help his partners to score goals.D.Jim, a soccer player who tries his best to win the game.2.Which of the following statements would Kenneth Barish agree with?A.There is no sense in giving a trophy to everyone.B.Kids fond of playing sports should be rewarded.C

9、.Kids should be given trophies for trying their best.D.It is necessary to encourage kids participation in sports.3.The underlined phrase “single out” in Paragraph 6 probably means “”. A.honour B.choose C.value D.stress4.Which shows the correct structure of the text? .七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

10、选项中有两项为多余选项。Everyone knows that fish is good for health.1But it seems that many people dont cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isnt difficult.2This text is

11、about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.3Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that youre standing at the oceans edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isnt fresh.4When you have bought a fish and arrive home, youd better store the fish in the refrigerator if you dont cook it i

12、mmediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isnt as tasty as the fresh one.There are many common methods used to cook fish.5First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices(调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8

13、to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.)Then, its ready to serve.A.Do not buy it.B.The easiest is to steam it.C.This is how you can do it.D.It just requires a little knowledge.E.The fish will go bad within hours.F.When buying fish, you should first smell it.G.T

14、he fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2017黑龙江大庆一中二模)Many sports players have not only accomplished incredible acts of athleticism(运动能力), but also unbelievable acts of sportsmanship. There were some 1 examples in 2014, and

15、 I have 2 two that inspired me.One example of sportsmanship took place in the Sochi Olympics. Russian Anton Gafarov was hobbling(蹒跚而行) along the track, far 3 the rest of the skiers. One of his skis(滑雪板) was broken. He had tried to 4 with the damaged equipment. Canadian ski coach Justin Wadsworth was

16、 the only one who had an extra. Wadsworth didnt want Gafarov to finish slowly, hobbling across the line. He wanted him to finish with 5. The Canadian skiers were already out of the race, giving Wadsworth two 6:Leave Gafarov to hobble across the line on one ski, 7 give him the spare one. Wadsworth gave him the extra sk


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