2018版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 2 robots课堂达标 新人教版选修7

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1、Unit 2 Robots .单句语法填空1While waiting for the opportunity to get _promoted_(promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.2Children,when_accompanied_(accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.3In much of the animal world, night is the time set _aside_ for sleeppure and simple.4W

2、hen asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _in_favour of younger men.5We are not ready to go into production yet.The new machine isnt fully tested _out_.6My father is against my plan while my mother is in favor _of_ it.7The young couple se

3、t _aside_ some money each month for their future use even though their income can only make ends meet.8He is bound _to_be_left_(leave) behind unless he doubles his efforts.9It was reported that a little boy _trapped_(trap) under a destroyed house for three days was pulled out alive at last.10Its eve

4、rybodys desire that ever effort _(should)_be_made_(make) to reduce the pollution in our city.完成句子1His new house was _the_envy_of_all_his_friends_ (他所有朋友羡慕的对象)2Tom was so interested in my essay that he _set_aside_his_own_work_ (把自己的工作放一边) and began to discuss it with me.3Children _are_bound_to_meet_w

5、ith_ (注定会遇到) setbacks(挫折) as they grow up, so their parents dont need to worry about it.4When they _heard_the_alarm_(听到警报), they even did not realize what had happened.5由于我母亲偏爱我妹妹,我整天感到闷闷不乐。It was because _my_mother_favored_ my little sister that I felt uncomfortable all day.6他们离婚已有两年时间而且也很久没互相联系过了。

6、They _have_been_divorced_ for two years and havent been in touch with each other for a long time.7她比我小,但看起来比我成熟。She _is_junior_to_ me but she looks more mature than me.8不管我有什么理由,她一定会叫我陪她去超市。(accompany)No matter what my excuse was, she was bound to ask me _to_accompany_her_to_the_ supermarket_.9他没有足够

7、的钱吃饭,更不用说娱乐了。He doesnt have enough money for food, _let_alone_ amusement.10人人向往成功和幸福,但不是所有人都竭尽全力地去追求。Everyone _has_a_desire_for_success and happiness, but only part of them have tried their best to attain them.单句改错1To everybodys surprise, they got divorcing last month,though they had been married fo

8、r only two months._divorcingdivorced_2Everybody was alarming at the news that war might break out._alarmingalarmed_3Thunders accompanying by heavy rain in this season are very common._accompanyingaccompanied_4She had her bag snatching away on her way home yesterday evening._snatchingsnatched_5Look!

9、There stand the highest building of the city._standstands_6The little boy came riding at full speed down the motorway on his bicycle.How a dangerous scene it was!_HowWhat_.语篇填空Larry Belmont worked for a company _that/which_made robots.Recently_it_ had begun experimenting with a household robot.It wa

10、s going to _be_tested_(test) out by Larrys wife, Claire.Claire didnt want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be_absent_(absence) for three weeks, but Larry_persuaded_(persuade) her that the robot wouldnt harm her or allow her _to_be_harmed_(harm)It would be a bonus.However, _whe

11、n_ she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed.His name was Tony and he seemed _more_ like a human than a machine.He was tall and handsome _with_ smooth hair and a deep voice although his _facial_(face) expression never changed.话题写作用本单元所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1约翰极其渴望成为一名科幻小说作家。John_has_a_strong_desire_to

12、_become_a writer of the science fiction.2爸爸不支持约翰的想法。Johns father isnt_in_favour_of_his thought.3妈妈一直陪他去书店,她相信他将来取得的成绩会让别人都羡慕和忌妒。His mother believes what he achieves in the future will make others admire and_envy_him_.She always_accompanies_him_to_the bookstore.4约翰的妹妹比他小三岁,经常打电话询问他的进展情况。Johns sister,

13、who is three years_junior_to_him_,often_rings_up_to ask his progress.5由于约翰的努力,同学们都认为他一定会成功。Owing to his hard work,his classmates all think Johnis bound tosucceed.组篇公式:用while连接句2和句3;用定语从句改写句23。答案:John has a strong desire to become a writer of the science fiction.However, his father isnt in favour of

14、his thought while his mother, who believes what he achieves in the future will make others admire and envy him,always accompanies him to the bookstore.Johns sister, who is three years junior to him, often rings up to ask his progress.Owing to his hard work, his classmates all think John is bound to succeed.


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