高中英语 unit 2 heroes单元练习1(lesson1&2)北师大版必修1

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1、Unit2 Heroes单元练习1(Lesson1&2)一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分) 1. Freedom and e are the basic human rights. 2. Jack is so g that he is always giving away some money to the poor. 3. All letters that he has received will be answered p instead of by his secretary. 4. In winter in Northern Canada, people had t

2、o s through the stormy weather. 5. She was in a v temper and began throwing things about. 6. Women know how to talk to people, to c situations, and people feel less threatened by female police officers. 7. Venice is a wonderful city to e . 8. China sent its first woman a into space at 6:37 p.m. on J

3、une 16, 2012. 9. Things fall to the ground because of the earths g .10. We met on a f from London to Paris.二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)11. He doesnt like to be (暴力的); instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace.12. Our opinions differ in whether to (建立) a research institute.13. It is our des

4、ire that every child can have (平等的) opportunities to get education of high quality.14. Chinas launching its Tiangong I means that it has the ability to (探索) space.15. It was a great (努力) for me to adapt to the new school.16. Tom tried his best to (平静) the frightened children.17. In my (看法), universi

5、ty education is very important to childrens future.18. He was so (慷慨的) as to share his food with me.19. We all hope that theres no war and the people all over the world can live (和平地) side by side.20. He drove quickly to the person who sells flowers and told her he would take the flowers (亲自地).21. T

6、here are three (人物) in the play, Father, Mother and their son.22. It is a bit hotter in summer in the southern (省).23. Do you know who was the first (宇航员) in the USA?24. The Russian (革命) happened the next year.25. A kind of friendly (气氛) can be felt throughout the conversation.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;

7、共10分)26. 天空中繁星闪烁。 in the heavens.27. 因为我们要早早地离开,所以我们在前一天晚上就整理行装。We so we packed the night before. (leave)(词数不限)28. The other day he (把自己锁起来) in his study,preparing for the coming exam.29. 依我看,你应该首先完成作业。 , you should finish your homework first.30. He was about to say something more (就在这时他妻子进来了).四、单项选

8、择(共15小题;共15分)31.Bill is so that he gave away most of his money to the charity when he retired.A. simpleB. generousC. aggressiveD. lonely32.Jerry was about to sit down and have a cup of tea the doorbell rang.A. whileB. asC. whenD. until33.China didnt the Antarctic until the 1980s.A. knowB. exploreC.

9、searchD. discover34.My father knows a lot about American culture, for he there for 2 years, and then he returned home.A. staysB. stayedC. would stayD. have stayed35.In order to let their children receive a better education, parents often have to hard for quite a long time.A. observeB. struggleC. exp

10、andD. circulate36.When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we up, her voice had been full of life.A. were hangingB. had hungC. hungD. would hang37. my opinion, your plan is similar his in general.A. In; toB. By; forC. With; aboutD. In; at38.I had meant to meet yo

11、u at the airport this morning but I was too busy for I a report.A. wroteB. was writingC. have writtenD. had written39.We very early so we packed the night before.A. leaveB. had leftC. were leavingD. have left40.Harvard, in 1636, is one of the most famous universities in the United States.A. setB. fo

12、rmedC. discoveredD. founded41.Everyone in China has the right to vote.A. fairB. reasonableC. equalD. proper42.I all the cooking for my family, but recently Ive been too busy to do it.A. will doB. doC. am doingD. had done43.He appeared , but inside his heart was beating wildly with fear.A. stillB. ca

13、lmC. quietD. nervous44.- Can you guess what the front page news is today?- Of course, everybody about the highest level two-day meetings on Chinas urbanization(城市化).A. is talkingB. talkedC. has talkedD. had talked45.She said she didnt like it, but I thought it was very good.A. personallyB. apparentlyC. fortunatelyD. eventually五、完形填空(共20小题;共30分) When I was about 8 years old, I as


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