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1、句子翻译Passage 1(2016衡阳)Every week, Julia would go to visit her grandparents. (1)The grandfather would give each child a few coins and tell them to buy something they like. They would buytoys and candies. After they grew a little bit older, their parents thought that it was time for them to learn how t

2、o manage(管理)money. So the parents asked the children to think of ways to manage money.Ruben is the cleverest boy. He decided toearn money by buying and selling things. (2)他得到了来自全家的支持But Nico, the smallest child, still spent the money as usual. Ruben thought (3)it was unfair and he stopped saving his

3、 money, tooFor little Julia, she had a wonderful, secret plan. But (4)她的父母亲对她感到非常失望. They thought Julia wasnt doing anything.One day, Julia came with a violin and played it for the family. Everyone was surprised. They knew that Julia liked the violin, (5)but her family was too poor to afford the vio

4、lin classes for her. So, Julia found a street violinist and asked him to teach her. In return, she gave him all her money. The violinist was deeply moved by Julia. He taught her for months and rent a violin to her. Then, Julia gave performances with the violinist in the street. By doing this, she ea

5、rned enough money to pay for the violin.1._2._3._4._5._Passage 2(2017预测)I spend much time interviewing people, (1)而且观察他们的肢体语言是我工作的一部分. First impressions are important. Shaking hands firmly is one aspectpeople dont like it if your hand feels like a dead fish. Eye contact is also importantyou should l

6、ook at the interviewer in his or her eyes often, (2)but dont make him or her feel uncomfortableRemember to use body language properly after you sit down, too. (3)Interviewers like people who look interested and sit up straight. If you sit in a lazy way, you will give the interviewer a very bad impre

7、ssion. Also, try not to cross your arms. (4)那使人们认为你觉得无聊Make sure you show your face and body in the direction of the interviewer. If you show yourself away from him or her, the interviewer might think you are preparing to run out of the door.Finally, dont touch your face too much.Studies show that (

8、5)when people are lying, they often touch their faces, especially their noses. Avoid these gestures to make sure the interviewer knows that you are honest.1._2._3._4._5._答案 Passage 1 1. 爷爷会给每个孩子几个硬币,告诉他们去买一些他们喜欢的东西 2. He got the support from all his family 3. 这不公平,然后他也停止了省钱 4. her parents were very disappointed with her 5. 但是她的家庭太穷而负担不起她的小提琴课Passage 2 1. and watching their body language is a part of my job 2. 但是不要使他或她感觉不舒服 3. 采访者喜欢看起来感兴趣并且坐得直的人们 4. That makes people think you feel bored 5. 当人们说谎的时候,他们经常摸他们的脸,尤其是他们的鼻子



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