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1、七年级英语开学检测试题(选择题答案写在最后一页表格里,只上交第二页)一、单项选择(20分)( ) 1. _he was tired, _he didnt stop _.A. Although, but ; to rest B. Although ; / ; working C. Although; / ; resting D. though; but; working( ) 2. My mother_ surfs the Internet, she likes watching TV.A. doesnt hardly ever B. hardly ever C. isnt hardly eve

2、r D. hardly never( )3. Peter is _because he never exercises. A. tired B. happy C. healthy D. unhealthy( ) 4.There are _ rules in our class. A. many too B. too much C. much too D too many( ) 5.Is there _ wrong with your watch? No, _is wrong with it?. A. something, nothing B. anything, nothing C. some

3、thing everything( ) 6. He didnt go to the park _ the bad weather. A. because B. so C. because of( ) 7. That made me_ very happy. A. to feel B. feel C. felling D. fells( ) 8. I had fun _ in the pool when I was young.A. swam B. swiming C. swimming D. swim( )9How do you feel_ your English studies? Aof

4、Babout Con D to( ) 10. What bad weather it was! We decided _ . A. to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out( ) 11 .He thinks Chinese people are very _ , and he loves themA,friends B,a friend C,friendlyD,unfriendly( )12. -Would you like some more noodles? - _. Im full. A. Yes, please B. Id love to

5、C. No, I would not D. No, thanks( ) 13. _ Wednesday morning, we often do some reading.A. In B On C At D For( ) 14 . do you have an English party? Twice a year. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. When( ) 15 He _ late for school. A. is often B: often is C. does often D. often does( )16. We usuall

6、y stay at home on _days.A. rain B. raining C. rainy D. rained( )17. I kept _what she was doing.A. wonders B. to wonder C. wondering D. in wondering( )18. It _ sunny today, but it _ cloudy yesterday.A. is, isB. was, was C. is, was D. was, is( )19 Who told you to clean the window?Father _. He said the

7、y are too dirty.A. told B. did C. telling D. had told( )20. Where _she _ on vacation? -She _ her uncle. A. did, go , visited B. does , go visited C. did , went , visited D. does , went , visit二、完形填空(10分)Do you know how to keep healthy?First, good 1 habits are very important. Many students 2 to eat j

8、unk food. Maybe it tastes (尝起来) good, but its 3 for our health. And many students only eat their favorite foods. Its bad for our health, 4 . Its good to eat 5 fruit and vegetables because they can 6 us keep in good health. And we should have a balanced diet (均衡饮食). It can give us lots of energy (能量)

9、 and keep our body 7 . 8 , we should exercise often. A strong and healthy body comes from enough exercise. We can 9 some time doing our favorite sports every day. Finally, we should have good living habits, for example, 10 up and going to bed on time.21. A studying B eating C drinking D living 22. A

10、 hope B try C like D dislike23. A good B bad C well D nice24. A also B either C too D neither25. A more B less C little D few26. A give B tell C help D ask27 . A good B unhealthy C active D beautiful28 A First B Second C Third D Finally29 A like B take C spend D cost30 A get B getting C stay D stayi

11、ng 三、阅读理解(20分) ( A )One day an American was in Africa. He wanted to go to a small village in the hills . He got on a bus and the driver said , The yellow ticket is one dollar. I have two other tickets. The red one is fifty cents, and the green , ten cents“A green one , please,” said the man.The bus

12、started to go up a hill. Suddenly it stopped. “Red ticket passengers,( 乘客) get out and walk. Green ticket passenger, get out , close the door, and push the bus , ” shouted the driver.( ) 31. Where was the village? It was _班级_ 姓名_ 得分_A. in the river B. in the hill C. on the farm D. in America( ) 32.

13、How many kinds of tickets did the driver have?A. Only one B. Two C. Three D. More than three( ) 33. The American bought the green ticket because _.A. it looked better than the others B. he had too much moneyC. the driver didnt give him the other tickets D. it was the cheapest( ) 34. Which of the sentences is true?A. No one bought yellow tickets.B. The yellow ticket passengers had to get off the bus and walk.C. The bus stopped because


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