山东省泰安市2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空增分练习(3)

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1、山东泰安市2016高考英语二轮完形填空增分练习(3)完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She _1_ him very much and as he was not a _2 _ child, she was always _3_ that he might be ill, _4_ she used to take him to see the best _5_ in the town four times a year to be looked _6_.

2、During one of these _7_, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him, “Have you had any _8_ with your nose or ears recently?” Mick _9_ for a second and then answered, “Yes, I _10_.”Mrs. Ball was very _11_. “But Im sure you have _12_ told me that, Mick!” She said worriedly. “Oh, real

3、ly?” Said the doctor _13_. “And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy?” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them when Im _14_ my sweater off, because the _15_ is very tight.”名师点评深爱儿子的鲍尔夫人一直为儿子的健康忧虑,常带他去医院看病,甚至被儿子脱毛衣引起眼睛和鼻子的不适而虚惊一场。(A)1. A. loved B. hated C. missed D. c

4、ared【解析】A。根据下文鲍尔夫人常带儿子去看病可见她非常爱儿子,故选择loved。(C)2. A. richB. cleverC. strongD. happy【解析】C。鲍尔夫人担心儿子会有病,常带他医院,说明Nick没有强壮的体魄,故选择Strong。(A)3. A. afraidB. surprised C. gladD. sure【解析】A。上文讲到鲍尔夫人爱儿子,那么儿子的健康状况应让做妈妈的担心才对,而不是惊奇或快乐,故选择afraid。(D)4. A. whichB. for C. butD. so【解析】D。两分句从意思上看,应为因果关系,因此应用so引导这个结果状语从句。

5、(C)5. A. playerB. teacher C. doctorD. lawyer【解析】C。生病了当然是去看医生,再根据下文意思,应选择doctor。(B)6. A. roundB. over C. forD. after【解析】B。look over为固定词组,意为“检查”。(B)7. A. talksB. years C. visitsD. stays【解析】B。上文提到一年要去医院检查四次,下文将要讲到其中一年里发生的一件事情,故选years从而形成对应。(D)8. A. answerB. thing C. wordD. trouble【解析】D。have trouble wit

6、h sth 意为“在某方面有麻烦”为一习惯用语。(B)9. A. waitedB. thought C. stoodD. looked【解析】B。医生问了一个问题,他要作出回答,因此得思考一会儿,故选择thought。(C)10. A. didB. will C. haveD. do【解析】C。医生的问题用了现在完成时态,对之作出的回答也应用现在完成时,即:Yes,I have。(D)11. A. excitedB. interested C. pleasedD. surprised【解析】D。深爱儿子的妈妈第一次听说儿子鼻子、眼睛有问题应感到惊讶,故选择surprised。(C)12. A.

7、 alreadyB. just C. neverD. always【解析】C。妈妈感到惊讶是因为她从未听儿子提到过这回事,故应选never。(B)13. A. angrilyB. seriously C. happilyD. carefully【解析】B。医生对自己经常检查的病人,出现新的病情应作为严肃的事情来处理,故应选seriously。(B)14. A. turningB. takingC. keepingD. putting【解析】B。take a sweater off意为“脱去毛线衣”。(A)15. A. collarB. nose C. mouthD. ear【解析】A。穿毛衣时

8、衣领子挤压眼、鼻引起疼痛,故应选collar。22015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷)Where do you go when you want to learn something? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all 41 places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want 42 somewhere else instead. I had the 43 of seeing this first hand on a 44 .My daug

9、hter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did well this season and so 45 a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some 46 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 47 trained. Through the first two games, her 48 did not get one serious shot on go

10、al. As a parent, I 49 seeing my daughter playing her best, 50 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 51 between Saturday and Sunday. When they 52 for their Sunday game, they were 53 different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had 54 the day befor

11、e into their 55 . They played aggressively and 56 scored a goal.It 57 me that playing against the other team was a great 58 moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. 59 is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be 60 what they would have gotten in school, b

12、ut are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.41. A. publicB. traditionalC. officialD. special42. A. passes B. works C. lies D. ends43. A. dream B. ideaC. habitD. chance44. A. trip B. holidayC. weekendD. square45. A. wonB. entered C. organizedD. watche

13、d46. A. painfulB. strange C. commonD. practical47. A. lessB. poorlyC. newly D. better48. A. fansB. tutors C. class D. team49. A. imaginedB. hatedC. avoidedD. missed50. A. if B. or C. butD. as51. A. girls B. parentsC. coaches D. viewers52. A. dressed B. showed up C. made up D. planned53. A. slightly

14、B. hardlyC. basically D. completely54. A. seen B. knownC. heard D. read55. A. styles B. trainingC. gameD. rules56. A. evenB. stillC. seldom D. again57. A. confusedB. struck C. remindedD. warned58. A. touchingB. thinkingC. encouragingD. learning59. A. ExperienceB. IndependenceC. CuriosityD. Interest60. A. harmful to B. mixed withC. different fromD. applied to【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者讲述了通过观看女儿所在的足球队和比自己强的队进行比赛,在实战中学习的过程,总结出看来学习不都是在学校跟着老师学的。语篇解读 当你想学东西的时候你会去哪里呢? 学校? 朋友? 导师? 本文通过女儿踢足球的经历介绍一个不同的地方,即通过自己的体验,你会学到更棒更有意义的东西。【语篇导读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者女儿所在的球队因为这个赛季表现突出而入围锦标赛。虽然与强手角


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