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1、give away,arise重要程度: 难易程度:1. Ifapersonhasnothadenoughsleep,hisactionswillgivehim_duringtheday. A.awayB.upC.inD.back 【参考答案】A【拓展延伸】give away捐赠;分发;泄露;丧失,错失give back归还,送回give off发出,放出give in 屈服,让步;上交give out分发,散发;用光,用尽give up 放弃2. We should always keep in mind that accidents _ from carelessness while dr

2、iving.A. ariseB. arouseC. beginD. rise【参考答案】A【试题解析】句意:我们应该记住,开车时事故是因为粗心而发生的。arise发生,出现;arouse唤起,激起;begin开始;rise上涨,上升。【拓展延伸】arise vi. 出现;发生;产生rise from/out of 由而引起,由而产生;从中产生【易混辨析】原形意义用法过去式过去分词arise出现,发生常用于事物或问题的出现arosearisenrise上升,升起主语自身移向更高的位置roserisenraise举起,抬高主语的动作作用于其他事物,也可表示抽象意义,如提高觉悟等raisedrais

3、edarouse唤醒,激起常指引起注意,使觉醒或唤起某种感情arousedarousing【巧学妙记】图记arise, rise, raise:1. 用适当的介词或副词填空Please give my pen _. I need it now. The gas gave _ an unpleasant smell. He has given _ smoking. Tom always gave _ to his big brother. The coal began to give _. 2. 翻译句子他把大部分钱都捐赠给慈善事业。(giveaway) _别相信他,他一定会泄露你的秘密。(gi

4、veaway) _3. (2017江苏) Working with the medical team in Africa has _ the best in her as a doctor.A. held out B. brought outC. picked out D. given out4. During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to _ bread for days. A.eatupB.giveawayC.dowitho

5、utD.dealwith 5. 用arise, arouse, rise与raise填空The sun _ in the east and sets in the west.I saw tears_ from her eyes.Now the standard of living is _ rapidly.This book _ my interest in politics.The speech made by Yu Dan_ great attention.New difficulty will _ from such situation.I was tired of the quarre

6、l _between them.After the earthquake many volunteers _money for people in great need.My spirits_ when I heard the good news.1. back offupinout2. He gave away most of his money to charity.Dont trust him and he is sure to give away your secret. 4. C 【解析】eatup吃光;giveaway泄露,表露,分发,赠送;dowithout不用或没有某人/某事也行;dealwith处理,对待,应付。句意:战争期间,粮食严重匮乏,甚至富有的家庭几天不吃面包也是很正常的。依据句意理解,选项C符合题意。5. rises risingraised arousedaroused arisearising raisedrosegive短语归纳:_



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