八年级英语下册《unit 4 the internet connects us lesson 24 an e-mail to grandpa》导学案(新版)冀教版

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《八年级英语下册《unit 4 the internet connects us lesson 24 an e-mail to grandpa》导学案(新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册《unit 4 the internet connects us lesson 24 an e-mail to grandpa》导学案(新版)冀教版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 24 An E-Mail to Grandpa学习目标 A. New words:Advantage disadvantage B.Learn to care about others. learn to do sth set up give sb direction to set up a time on the web download e books online 学习重点Master the new words and phrases.学习难点the new words and phrases.学法指导Listen, speak and read.知识准备Review c

2、ontents we have studied. Review the new lesson. The students can read the new words and the text.学习流程学习流程预习检测短语互译。1)learn to do sth 2)set up 3)give sb direction to 4)辨别方向的能力 5)新笔记本电脑 6)用因特网 7)一个聊天程序 8)set up a time 9)on the web 10)download e books online _ 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词 1. He wants to go ( 上线 ) and

3、search the Internet . 2. I dont know how to ( 搜索 ) a new computer. 3 my favorite ( 节目 ) is Channel 3. 4. A lot of young people enjoy making friends by ( 聊天 ) on the Internet. 5.He began to ( 约定时间 ) to look for the lost kid.任务导学 组内探讨,互帮互学(5分钟) 根据汉语意思填空1,看到我们互相谈话将会很有趣 It would be fun Each other as we

4、talk!2.我刚键入正确的问题到搜索引擎。 I just the right questions into the . 3. 它能给我指明任何我想去的地方。 It can to anywhere I want to go.班内探讨,师生共同解决。(5分)If 引导的条件状语从句与时态搭配1, 2. 5 ,3 6.达标检测一 连词成句search ,has ,engine ,everything ,changed 2. will, you, find, better, a, job 3. give , a, can, and we, call me ,set, a , up, time 4.t

5、he ,started ,movie, I ,as ,there, got 5. to ,easy, its, on, find, the, information, veb二用所给词的适当形式填空Hide search receive steal way Leave noisy go send see1. His father ( ) the new computer in another room.2. He has ( ) on Internet.3. Her brother said that he had ( ) ten letters from his pen pal In Aus

6、tralia.4. Dont ( ) his money , he is so little.5. Can you tell me the ( )to the hotel.6. The train ( ) ten minute age.7.If you press the“ on” buttor, the computer will make a( ) 8. Jack isnt in right now . He ( ) cthe cinema. 9. By the end of last month ,I( )her five e_mails.10. The world without Th

7、ieves” is a very moving film. I( )it twice already.拓展延伸David Burtt dream in China is to go into the west and an Early childhood school there. a. clear up b. look up c. give up d. set up.课堂小结Let the students say what they learned this class.作业布置1. Read and recite the text after class.2. Finish off the exercises in WB.课后反思



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