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1、Module 8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about.单项选择()1.Can you _ this word _ English?Atranslate;byBtranslation;byCtranslate;into Dtranslation;into()2.Our teacher has given us some_ on how to learn English.Aadvices Bpiece of adviceCpieces of advices Dadvice()3._ write down your mistake

2、s?AHow about BWhy dontCWhy not DYou should()4.Im going to go swimming this weekend.It _ very interesting.Asounds BlooksChears Dsees()5.These phrases are very important.Please _in your notebook.Awrite it down Bwrite down itCwrite them down Dwrite down them.完成句子1走了很长的一段时间后,大家停下来休息。After walking for a

3、long time,they _ have a rest.2你介意帮我打开电视吗?Do you mind _ the TV for me?3那些外国人感谢我们带他们四处参观北京。The foreigners thanked us _ Beijing.4谢谢你叫醒我,否则我上学会迟到。Thanks for _,or Ill be late for school.5我盼望再次见到你。Im _ you again.完形填空A Chinese student went to England to study by plane.His English name was Sun.It is spelt S

4、UN,just _1_ the word “sun”,the sun in the sky,is spelt.England is a country with bad weather.It is often _2_ and rainy.So the people there dont get much sunlight in the year.When the Chinese student arrived at the London Airport,a tall Englishman _3_ his passport to check the visa(签证),and was intere

5、sted in finding the name “Sun” in the passport.So he said to the student,“I see your name is Sun.You are _4_ here.”The Chinese student felt surprised,“Is there _5_ wrong with my visa?Do I have to _6_ to my country?” “What?” shouted the Englishman.“No,well never let you go away.”The Chinese student w

6、as _7_.He was sure that he had been in _8_.So he asked again,“What has happened?What have I done?”It was then that the Englishman began to _9_.He said,“You dont know what you have done,Mr.Sun?You have _10_ sunlight to England!So we dont want you to go away.”()1. A.for BasCin Dto()2. A.sunny BsnowyCc

7、loudy Dwindy()3. A.closed BopenedCthrew Dlooked()4. A.wanted BrefusedCseen Dcalled()5. A.everything BnothingCa thing Danything()6. A.come back Bwalk backCgo back Dgive up()7. A.happy BworriedChonest Dpleased()8. A.danger BagreementCresearch Dtrouble()9. A.complain BsmileCdiscuss Dcry()10. A.brought BtookCborrowed Dlent参考答案.15 CDCAC.1.stopped to2.turning on3.for taking them around4.waking me up5.looking forward to seeing.15 BCBAD610 CBDBA


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