八年级英语下册《unit 7 what’s the highest mountain in the world period 2》导学案(新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit7Whats the highest mountain in the world 学习水平知识目标细化识记领悟运用分析综合评价目标一熟练掌握以下词汇与句型: southwestern,thick, condition,freeze,include,take in, succeed, challenge, in the face of ,challenge, achieve, force, nature, even though,oceanWhich is the deepest salt lake in the world?目标二了解我国明长城的基本知识,了解珠穆朗玛峰目标三培养学生克

2、服困难、挑战极限的精神.导 学 过 程 设 计课前自学I. 预习P51 3a, 课文至少读2次II. 从课本中找出并翻译下列短语。(1)最危险的运动之一 (2)登山,攀岩 (3)全世界 (4)中国的东南边境 (5)山顶 (6)严寒的天气条件 (7)大风暴 (8)冒着生命危险 (9)放弃 ( 10)实现梦想 课中三学1. 将课前准备的情况在小组内交流讨论(老师点拨)。2. 比一比赛一赛:各小组长提问其它小组成员讨论结果,看哪个小组完成得最棒!3. 3a 小组合作,共同找出课文中的重点短语和句型,并讲解给同学们。4. 3b 根据课文内容完成下面的表格,并在小组内订正答案。Paragraph1Par

3、agraph 2Paragraph 3List three comparisonsList three dangers for climbersList three achievements 5. Groupwork 讨论“世界之最”,完成4a4c.课后巩固延伸一用所给词的正确形式填空: 1.Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _ (clever). 2.Iron(铁)is _ (much) useful than gold(黄金). 3. The boy is _ (interesting) than his brother. 4. Dick sings _

4、(well), he sings _(well) than John, 5.Wangtao is a little_ than Lilei.(strong)6. Which is_, the sun,the earth or the moon?(small)7. Lucy speaks English very_. (good)8. Who is _ (thin), you or Helen? Helen is.9. Fangfang is not as _ (tall) as the other girls.10. Who gets up _ (early),Tim or Tom? 11.Li Na is a _ sports player. She _ because she works hard.Her experience tells us if we want to get _ , we should try our best.(成功)


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