八年级英语下册 unit 3 could you please clean your room period 1 section a(1a-1c)学案(新版)人教新目标版

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1、Could you please clean your room学习目标1. 听说读写四会下面单词汉语:rubbish;sweep ;take out the rubbish;fold;mess . 2. 记住固定短语及汉语:take out sth(名词) / take sth out ;take it/them out; fold the clothes; help out; 3. 通过语言练习和听力训练学会使用句型Could you please.?和Could I.?; 导学过程【自主学习】英汉短语互译。1.洗餐具 2.倒垃圾 3.叠衣服 4.整理床铺 5.打扫客厅 6.没问题 【合作

2、探究】 1. take out sth(名词) / take sth out 取出;拿出;倒出.(接名词可中可后,接代词必中) eg:take out the rubbish= take the rubbish out take it (them) out(类似短语的用法:turn on,mix up;put on)2. fold-(反义词)unfold v. 折叠 3. sweepswept(过去式) 4. rubbish (不可数名词) 5.Could you please do sth. ? 你(们)可以干. 吗? Could you please do the dishes ? tak

3、e out the rubbish ?肯定回答:B: Yes, sure./Al l right./No problem./ Certainly.否定回答:Sorry, I cant. I have to do./ Sorry, I cant. I am doing. 1. Could you please (do)something? (否定式) Could you please something?肯定回答: / / 否定回答: / 【达标检测】一、完成句子1. Nancy can (叠衣服)by herself.2.-Lucy, have you finished_ _ _ _(打扫客)

4、-Sorry, Ill did it at once.3. You should (整理床铺)every day.4.Nobody likes (洗餐具).5.Tom, (倒垃圾) when you go to school.二、单项选择题.( )1.How about_ for a walk?A. to go B. going C. went D. to going( )2.Though he is young ,he can _ his bed and _ his clothes.A. wash;fold B. make;wash C. make;do D. wash;do( )3.We

5、have a class _ every week. A. meeting B. test C. lesson D. competition( )4. -Could I use your car? -Sorry,I am going to _it now.A. work on B. work out C. at work D. work off( )5.Please help your mother _ the chores(家务).A. do B. make C. hold D. fold( )6.Could you please sweep the floor? -_A. No. B. N

6、o,I cant. C. No problem. D. Im sorry to hear that. ( )7.-Could you please turn off the light? -_.A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldnt. C. It doesnt matter. D. Yes, sure.( )8.-Could I look at your pictures? -Yes, of course you_.A. should B. could C. will D. can ( )9. There are some books in the box. Coul

7、d you please_?A. take it out B. take them out C. take out it D. take out them( )10. Dont _ others. You can do it well by yourself.Aput onBturn offCput up Ddepend on( )11. Could you please _ my child when Im away?Alook for Blook at Ctake care ofDcare of【课后作业】一、根据图片提示,用恰当的短语完成句子1. Alan, help me 2. Do

8、you know how to ?3. Now Im 4. Can you teach me how to ?5. Just now Helen 二、选择填空( )1. Could you make your bed and wash your clothes? _. AExcuse meBAll rightCNoDGood idea( )2. He _ his umbrella to me yesterday, so I didnt get wet. AborrowedBkeptClentDbought( )3. Your father is sleeping. Would you mind

9、 turning down the TV? _. Ill do it right away. ANot at allBOf courseCNo wayDSounds good( )4. Could I borrow your computer, Bob? Sorry, I am _it. Ataking outBturning onCworking onDturning off( )6. There are two bikes under the tree, but _ of them is new. AallBnoneCneitherDeither( )7. She plays sports every day in order _ healthy. Akeep Bto keep Ckeeping


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