八年级英语上册 unit 3 topic 3 what were you doing at this time yesterday?section c学案(新版)仁爱版

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八年级英语上册 unit 3 topic 3 what were you doing at this time yesterday?section c学案(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 unit 3 topic 3 what were you doing at this time yesterday?section c学案(新版)仁爱版_第2页
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1、Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section C学习目标:1.学习新单词:dark, voice, beat, dead, wake, sell, match2.学会运用所学句型讲述童话故事: 1) Snow White2) The Little Match Girl学习过程:一自主学习预习课本,写出下列词组或句子。(你是最棒的,加油!)1. 在一年的除夕夜_ 2. 三根火柴_3.一个可怜的小女孩儿_ 4. 在他们温暖的家里团聚_5.低声地叫_ 6.经过,通过_ 7.感到饥饿_ 8.害怕回家_9. 打某人,击

2、败某人_ 10. 没有卖掉一盒火柴_11.一根燃烧的火柴_ 12.温暖某人_13.火苗熄灭_ 14.点燃三根火柴_15.带我走吧_ 16. 在新年的早晨_二.合作交流语言点导学:(language points)1.dark 形容词,“黑暗的;暗色的”主要指光线暗或颜色深。Eg: It is a little dark in the room. 房间里光线有点暗。The coat is dark blue. 这件大衣是深蓝色的。2.voice 名词,“嗓音,说话声”用 in a voice , sound 指自然界发出的声音;noise指噪音Eg: Please speak in a low

3、voice. 您请说话声音低一些。 I enjoy listening to the sound of the running river.我喜欢听小河流水的声音。 Dont make much noise, the baby is sleeping. 不要吵闹,孩子正在睡觉。3. Ah, a burning match may warm me up.此句中 warm 作动词,意为“使暖和” warm sb up 意思是“使某人暖和起来”Eg: Doing exercise can warm you up. 做运动会让你暖和起来。4. But all these disappeared whe

4、n the flames went out. 但是,火苗熄灭的时候,所有的一切都不见了。 句中went out意思是(灯火)熄灭。Eg: The bedroom light went out after a moment. 卧室里的灯过一会就灭了。5. Her father would beat her. 她爸爸将会打他。beat sb 打某人/打败某人 Eg:Class 2 beat us in the basketball game. 6. dead 形容词 “ 死的” die 动词 “死 ” death 名词 “死的”Eg: The fish is dead. His mother di

5、ed when he was three years old.The death of his pet cat makes him sad.三探究展示I. 根据句意及字母提示,完成下列句子。1.It gets d_ early in winter.2. Im very h_. I want something to eat.3. That bookstore s_ all kinds of books.4. Class 3 b_ Class 1 in the basketball match.5. Dont b_ these dead leaves. It will cause match(大

6、火).6. Please talk _ _ _ (低声). The baby is sleeping.7. Dont _ _ _(害怕 ) speak English when you are in the English corner.8. Its cold outside. Please come in and _ _ _.(使你暖和)9. The flame_ _ (熄灭),It got dark again.10. Old people usually _ _( 醒来) early in the morning.II. 根据所给中文意思写出正确的句子1.我到家的时候天黑了。 _2.不要

7、让蜡烛灭了。 _3.晚上下班后我感到又冷又饿。_4.我的弟弟晚上不敢一个人待在家里。_四拓展练习 完形填空 Once there lived a boy named Ma Liang. His family was very 1 and he wasnt able to go to school. But he still loved 2 and worked very hard at it.One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to 3 it to help poor p

8、eople. When he 4 ,he found the magic paintbrush in the desk. The brush had a magical power( 魔力 ). If you draw 5 with it, it will come to life. So he started to help everyone in his village 6 his magic brush. But a few days later a bad rich man heard this exciting 7 . So he forced ( 逼迫 )Ma Liang to d

9、raw a golden mountain. Ma Liang had to 8 and drew a golden mountain in the center of an ocean(海). He also draw a 9 for the rich man to go to the golden mountain. 10 the ship get to the middle of the ocean, Ma Liang drew a large wave (波浪 )and it destroyed the ship. So the bad man and his friends died.教(学)后感:_


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