九年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson 1 my task is to report the changes in education( 第二课时 )教学设计 上海新世纪版

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《九年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson 1 my task is to report the changes in education( 第二课时 )教学设计 上海新世纪版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson 1 my task is to report the changes in education( 第二课时 )教学设计 上海新世纪版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 2 Changes in LifeLesson 1 My Task Is to Report the Changes in Education ( 第二课时 )一 教材简介1.英语(新世纪版) New Century English 九年级第二学期(试用本)上海外语教育出版社2.本节课是lesson 1的第二课时,即My Task Is to Report the Changes in Education的教学,这一部分是的主题是生活中的变化。课文创设了记者采访的情景,通过Sue的介绍,以今昔对比的方式,展现了在学生眼中几年来学校生活的诸多变化。二 学情分析九年级学生三教学目标(一

2、) 知识与技能1. 学生能根据图片及相关提示回答并完成问题,对于学校生活的变化有一定了解.2. 本课中出现了新的语法现象现在完成时的被动语态。因学生已有第一学期所习得的一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、带情态动词被动语态的知识基础,故本课的语法理解难度不大,但教师应重在对于知识点的回顾、梳理、比较和强化,使学生的知识体系能够连成线、织成网,实现新旧知识的有机整合。3. 创设真实情景让学生体验语法和意境,帮助学生理解和运用这一语法功能。(二) 过程和方法4. 让学生观察Developing Skills中的四幅图片,并通过讲述自己十几年间生活中的显著变化,让学生进行今昔对比,说说身边和学校生活

3、中发生的变化。通过这样的口头练习,学生可以进一步巩固现在完成时的被动语态用法。(三) 情感态度和价值观5.在英语学习的阶段,给学生提供舞台,培养学生认真听,大胆模仿的好习惯。四 教学重难点1.关键词:From the reading: construct, note, contrast, across, cross, physical exercise, system, commuter, livable, remember doing something, rapidly2.语法点:本课要学习的语法知识点为:The passive voice (in the present perfect

4、tense) have/has been done 五 教学方法 情景教学法六 教学手段 多媒体(录音机或教学光盘) 小组活动七 课程类型 新授课八 教学过程1. Developing Skills - Listening& Speaking: 让学生观察四幅图片,并通过讲述自己十几年间生活中的显著变化,让学生进行今昔对比,说说身边和学校生活中发生的变化。通过这样的口头练习,学生可以进一步巩固现在完成时的被动语态用法。听力内容以外国友人的视角描述了中国的变化,练习设计比较合理,教师可按照要求进行听力训练。听说能力的训练对学生语言能力的培养起着至关重要的作用,教师在平时要舍得花时间去训练。说明:

5、现在完成时的被动语态教学应和之前所学过的一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和带情态动词的被动语态相结合,如此既是对已学知识的回顾和总结,又可自然引出本课的现在完成时被动语态这一新的教学内容,便于学生的记忆和相似知识体系的归纳。教学形式可以从机械操练入手逐渐过渡到情景回答,使语法教学能循序渐进,符合学生的认知规律,提高课堂教学效率。1. Review the past and past participle verbs.1) 规则变化 e.g.: call, complete, collect, look, store, publish, fill, use, locate, clean2) A

6、-A-A型 e.g.: cut, set, put, fit, hurt 3) A-B-B型 e.g.: keep, build, buy, teach, hold, make, leave4) A-B-C型 e.g.: take, grow, choose, throw, give, drink, see, speak, eat建议教师鼓励学生将本册附录中的所有动词都做以上变化类型的归纳,便于记忆和复习。2. Practice on the structure of the passive voice: be + done Change the following into passive

7、voice:e.g.use water water is usedused water water was usedwill use water water will be usedmay use water water may be used1)send the cards the cards are sentsent the cards the cards were sentwill send the cards the cards will be sentneed send the cards the cards need be sent2)speaks German German is

8、 spokenspoke German German was spokenwill speak German German will be spokenmust speak German German must be spoken3)dont keep the books the books arent keptdidnt keep the books the books werent keptwont keep the books the books wont be keptcant keep the books the books cant be kept4)doesnt grow ric

9、e rice isnt growndidnt grow rice rice wasnt grown wont grow rice rice wont be grownshouldnt grow rice rice shouldnt be grown教师在最后一组结束后引出现在完成时,让学生思考其被动语态的表达。T:What about “has grown rice”? Please think it over.S: rice has been grownT: So the structure of The passive voice (in the present perfect tense

10、) is have/has been done.3. A competition: who says most组织学生进行口头速答,把下列短语变成现在完成时的被动语态,60秒为计时,答得最多的为赢家。e.g. homework/ finish homework has been finishedinformation/ collect the palace/ rebuild news/ report money/ spendtrees/ blow down dirty clothes/ not wash a big hole/ dig the meeting/ put offdished/ n

11、ot eat up the old/ take care of the record/ break many diseases/ cureflour/ run out of the moving song/ hear laws/ make roads/ widenthe baby/ feed special attention/ pay a light rail/complete water/cleanthree books/read two fish/ catch a new film/ show4. Lets guess: What has changed around us?出示一幅图,

12、教师通过问题What has changed around us?以及图片下所给出的关键词,让学生进行猜测,猜对了方可显示变化后的情景图。该练习主要训练真实语境下的被动语态。图片资料如下: clean The Suzhou River has been changed. use Mp4 players have been used by young people. replace by The black and white TV has been replaced by the digital TV.2. Developing Skills - Reading:本课阅读内容是对课文内容的补充

13、,对程度较差学生可增加找中心句练习,task 1和task 2 难度都不大。为了增加阅读兴趣,可将教材一定的处理。方法一,可以将这篇阅读作为fast reading的方法进行教学,让学生通过浏览找出每一段所描述的关键词,列出outline。对于程度好的班级还可以根据所列outline进行口头复述,将读和说进行有机结合。方法二,教师可事先下载上海世博宣传片,作为pre-reading进行播放,让学生边看边找出片中展示了哪些城市变化,然后在while-reading中进行文本细读。总之,阅读的技能训练应该贯穿于教学的每一堂课,可以有不同的训练方式,使多种语言技能融会贯通地使用。说明:教材中的speaking部分要求学生能以一段话的形式展现生活中的变化,由于句型较长因此有一定的难度,建议在该练习之前适当创造一些语言训练作为铺垫。教师出示图片和关键词,让学生进行看图说话。T:What has changed in our city? build rebuild widen complete set upT: What did life use to be? T: What are the changes in our school? (used to, but now)


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