七年级英语下册《module 6 around town 第3课时 unit 2 the london eye is on your right》学案(新版)外研版

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1、Module 6 Around town 第3课时 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right1、 学习目标:1.知识目标:能够使用下列单词和词组: painting clear ,boat ,off ,tower ,tourist 理解下列单词;gallery ,parliament ,guidebook, religious 2语言技能目标:学生能听懂指路的语句并找到该地点。能够给别人指路。3学习策略目标:能够将语言学习与实际应用结合起来,问路指路要有礼貌。 4情感态度目标:A诱导学生积极参与其中,充分调动其积极性。B在教学过程中加强与学生的互动,从而加强

2、了与学生的亲和力,充分发挥情感教学的技巧。二、学习重点:问路和指路的表达方式:How do I get to-? Can you tell me the way to -?三、学习难点:指路和问路的准确表达及伦敦的地名;学生对一些地名的读音和理解;掌握描述某地位置和路线的基本方法,写完整的语篇课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导:1、试读单词表中本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下用红笔划上横线2、使用快读和细读两种阅读的方法里查找文章的信息二、预习自测:1.Complete the conversation.A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way _ the muse

3、um, please?B: Yes, its near the station. You go _ this street to the end. Then _ left, go _ the bridge and the museum is _ your right.A: Thanks a lot.B: _.2. 识记本单元单词,填表格.名词n.单词words名词n.单词words形容词adj中文意思游览教堂famouse广场 铁路high油画桥clear米动词v.middle河完成介词prep.pastabove三、我的疑惑:_课内探究STEP 1: Lead in 问一问同学们去过什么地方

4、? -How many places of interest do you know? -I have been to 由此导出Have you ever been to London? 学生肯定没有去过, 这时候教师说: Let me take you around London, will you? 伦敦市区地图 STEP 2: pre-reading. Learn some places about London Show some pictures of some places of interest in London.伦敦著名建筑 首先学习一些建筑,可以为接下来学习英国的著名景点做

5、准备。STEP 3 While-reading 1. Read carefully and answer some questions. 快速阅读文章,获取文章大意。 1.) Where are you standing? 2.) Which is the best way to see London when youre tired? 3.) How old is the Tower of London? 4.) Do the people in the market sell fruit and vegetables now? 2. Read in the group in 5 minut

6、es. And mark the places on the map in the test book with your partners.(Activity 2) 3.带着问题分段朗读课文,深挖文章内涵。 阅读短文第一段回答下列问题 1).What is the module of the middle of London? _ 2). Where does the Queen live? _ 3). What is in the National Gallery? _四,当堂检测:划出以下新单词和词组,并在书上注上中文1)this short tour of London_ 2)the middle of. _ 3)a famous museum _ 4)walk along to_ _ 5)most of London. _ 6)on a clear day _ 7)the best way to _ _ 8)get off _ _ 9)over 900years old 10)go past 11)turn left into 12)finish our tour 课后训练查阅书本111页拼读活动1的地名


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