七年级英语下册《unit 6 topic 2 my home is in an apartmentment building sectiond(第4课时)》讲学稿 仁爱版

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1、七年级英语下册Unit 6 Topic 2 My home is in an apartmentment building SectionD(第4课时)讲学稿(无答案)学习目标与要求:. 1)There be 句型的小结。模块一:自主学习(独立进行) (Self-study & Self-exploration) 28分钟学习内容随堂笔记Step1通读天地-培养语感(3)请同学们大声朗读P41Functions,并尽量把它们背出来。试试看,自己能在哪个等级上达标: 大声通顺的朗读 有感情的流利朗读 在理解的基础上熟练背诵Step2 听录音-灵活运用(2)听P41的1,完成表格。1 听第一遍录音

2、,倾听对话中的人物在聊些什么? 2 听第二遍录音,选择正确答案。Step3 自主学习 (20)(一)自主完成下列英汉互译句子,并在课本上划出相应的重点句子。1 There is a community service center in our area ._2 I s there a bank near here ? _?3 你喜欢居住这里吗?_?4 这儿有很多老人住在这里。_.5 Michael is looking for an apartment near our school ._.6 How many floors are there in your building ?_?(二)

3、请独自完成知识点归纳。1. Many people are moving from the countryside to the cities. 翻译:_.move fromto意为:_. move in (into) 指迁入 move移动,搬家,不及物动词,后有介词才接宾语。2. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. (在城市里)交通拥挤,生活消费高。(1) cost 在这里作_词,意思是“_”。【即时练习】高的/低的住房费用 the high / low _of housing拓展: cost 还可以作为动词,意思是“值多

4、少钱,花费”,其主语是物。【即时练习】我不想买那本书因为它太贵了。I dont want to buy that book because it _ too much.买那量自行车要花我500元钱。It will _ me 500 yuan to buy the bike.(2) high 形容词,指(消费、价格、温度等)高的如:a high tempreture / speed / price 高 温/速/价【即时练习】今日,蔬菜的价格很高。The price(价格)of vegetables is _ these days.拓展:high 还指离开地面的高度和距离。 如:那个架子太高了。

5、The shelf is too _.(3) heavy 在这里是“繁忙的,多的,紧张的”如:她昨天忙了一天。She had a _ day yesterday.三 拓展创新 -根据P42-3的要求写一篇关于你喜欢居住在城市还是农村的短文。_Step4 核对 (2)四人小组相互检查练习完成情况;小声交流,并相互评定等级。(1-5)。互评等级:_(1-5)模块二:交流研讨&小组展示(小组合作、展示、评价,质疑)30分钟(Cooperation , Exploration , Show & Improvement)研讨内容随堂笔记【研讨内容】(10)讨论一:Step3 自主学习 (一)讨论二:知识

6、点归纳讨论三:拓展创新课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;3、 面向全体,自然大方,肢体语言运用得当;4、展示生动活泼,独具特色。模块三:练习训练(独立完成)预时(Practice & Consolidation)2分钟Step6.当堂反馈:根据句意以及首字母提示补全单词。1 My grandfather lives in the c_.2 Jack wants to rent a q_.double room .3 Julia will m_to a new house this Sunday .4 How many f_are there in

7、your building ?教学后记:_河源中英文实验学校两段五环讲学稿(7英)执笔 审核 教研组长 授课日期 第 7 周 班级 姓名 课题:Unit6 Topic2 My home is in an apartmentment building Section D (P41-42) 第4课时【日日清检测过关】1、用时:15分钟 2、训练方式:独立完成 3、互动(整理提高):15分钟一、 基础题:根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1. My grandparents dont like to live with us in the city. They like the c _ life.2.

8、L_ is the capital (首都) of England. Its very big.3. -Mom, I want to work in Shenzhen. - Ok, but the c _ of living there is high.4. - What do you think of Beijing ? - Its a beautiful c _.5. -Look! There are so many cars. - Yes, The t_ in cities is always h_.* 二 发展题 单项选择三 提高题 阅读理解。根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词,并用

9、其正确形式填空。farmhouse, live, afraid, happy, quiet, by, uncle, be, many, oldRobby 1 with his grandparents near a heavy street in the city. His grandparents are very 2 . There 3 a lot of buses and cars on the street every day, so he is 4 that one of them may hit (撞) his grandparents.Robbys father says, “

10、We have a 5 in the country, and your uncle lives there. There are not 6 cars there, and it is 7 in the country. Your grandparents can live there. I think they must be 8 to live there.Now Robbys grandparents live in the farmhouse with his 9 . Robby goes to see his grandparents with his parents 10 bus every week.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6. _ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足)今日一得 今日不足



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