七年级英语上册 module 3 unit 2 the library is on the left of the playground(第四课时)导学案(新版)外研版

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七年级英语上册 module 3 unit 2 the library is on the left of the playground(第四课时)导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground教学目标:掌握表方位的介词短语用法。描述自己学校内的设施。教学重难点:能通过描述判断出图中物体之间的位置关系。能正确使用表示方位的介词来描述图中物体的位置关系。课前预习:1.课前朗读, 掌握方位词的使用。2.理解文章意思。预习自测按要求写出单词的正确形式:1、their(同音词)_ 2、dictionary(复数)_3、build(名词)_ 4、behind(反义短语)_5、write(同音词)_ 6、picture(同义词)_英汉互译:1、在.前面_ 2、科学实验室_3、on the wal

2、l_ 4、a building_ 5、behind the classroom_6、在饭厅 7、在图书馆的后面 8、在教室的前面 合作探究Step 1 课堂活动:1)、分组每次找三名学生到黑板前,按要求站出next to , in front of , behind 的位置;2)、让他们按照一定方位站好,让其他学生说出他们的方位关系。3)、结合本教室,叫一位同学来描述本班一位同学的位置,其它同学来猜测描述的对象是谁,可提问来明确自己的判断,比如:Is he behind .?Step 2 阅读课本地17页活动三中的文章,把不认识,不理解的短语,句子画出来。_Step 3Work in pair

3、s to read the passage and label the map of the school.Tell the students to look at the picture of the school and ask what they can see. Ask them to describe the school in pairs.Draw the plan on the board and elicit some examples.Tell them to read quickly and check the places mentioned.Ask the studen

4、ts to label the map and check the answers with the whole class.Step 4 Answer the questionsTell the students to read again, answer the questions and check with a partner.Check the answers with the partner.Ask the students to read the questions aloud to elicit the answers from the whole class.“science

5、 lab , dining hall , classrooms , library, offices , gymYou can practice like this:-Are there any school offices?-Yes , there are.-Where are they?-They are next to/behind/in fnnt of .Look at these sentences.1、The library is next to the classrooms.Its next to the classrooms.2、The classrooms are in fr

6、ont of the offices .They are in front of the offices.3、Is the science lab in front of the library?No,it isnt.归纳总结训练检测1.on, in, under, behind, next to,between, in front of等在英语中为介词,用来表达东西在哪儿。(1)Im between the trees. 我在两棵树之间。between意为“在(两者)之间”,通常与and连用。例如:Im between Millie and Peter.我在米莉和皮特之间。(2)Peter

7、is in front of the gate. 皮特在大门前。2. in front of意思是“在的前面”,表示某个物体在某个范围之外的前方。如:There is a big tree in front the building. 楼前有一棵大树。in the front of意思为“在前部”,表示某物在某范围之内的前部。如:There is a teachers desk in the front of the classroom. 教师前面有一个讲台。3. Where is the bird? 小鸟在哪儿? Its in the tree. 在树上。in the tree(在树上)强调

8、的是外部事物在树上。on the tree(在树上)则表示本身长出的东西在树上,如花,树叶,果实等。Use “next to , in front of , behind ”1、The science building is _the sports hall.2、The library is _the gate .3、The classroom building is_the school offices and _the dining hall.4、The sports hall is _the science building.5、The school offices is _the cl

9、assroom building.课后训练翻译句子:1、我在大明的前面。_2、教室的旁边有一个实验室。_3、图书馆在哪儿?_4、这附近有所学校吗?_5、体育馆在学校的后面吗?_阅读理解 Paul has a nice bedroom. A bed and a chair are in it. A cat is under the chair and a ball is under the bed .A desk is near the chair. A bookcase is behind the bed .Some English books are on it .A picture is

10、on the wall, and two windows are in the wall. Three people are in the picture. The man is Pauls father and the women is Pauls mother. Whos the boy? Can you guess?根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F)1、The boy is Poul.2、Some books are on the desk.3、The man is Pauls grandfather.4、A bookcase is behind the bed.学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在:


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