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1、Unit 4 Pygmalion Section Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1If we all agree _(compromise) with each other when we are in disagreement,we will surely live in peace.2If _(overlook),the problem will cause great losses.3We could hear the child _(sob) in the other room.4Jackie is one of the

2、most famous football _ (refer) in the world.5This fruit gives off a kind of _(disgust) smell but tastes good.6Youd better show the old man _.7They robbed the bank _ millions of dollars.8If you read the letter once _,remember to find out the main idea of it.9When day dawned,stars fade _ from the sky.

3、 【导学号:62320035】10The minister said that their church was badly in need _ repairs.【答案】1.to compromise2.overlooked3sobbing4.referee5.disgusting6.in7.of8more9.out10.of.完成句子1这个组织旨在帮助那些需要知识的人。This group aims to help those _.2如果他们把一切都考虑在内,就不会犯这样的错误了。If they had taken everything into account,_such a mistak

4、e.3她承认在这一点上她不能和他妥协。She admitted that she was unable _.4随着音乐的逐渐消失,电影结束了。_,the film comes to an end.5屋顶每逢下雨就漏。The roof leaks _.【答案】1.who are in need of knowledge2.they would not have made3.to compromise with him on this point4.With the music fading out 5.whenever it rains.阅读理解AEncouragement and praise

5、 can come in many forms, and some ways are better for child development than others.Researchers at the University of Chicago who studied motherchild interactions over the course found that the type of praise children receive affects their attitudes toward challenges later in life.Specifically, prais

6、e coming with feedback about their behavior that kids made helped them to deal better with difficult experiences five years later, compared with compliments that focused more on the child himself, like “Youre a good boy.” “This is something we suspected would be the case based on a lot of experiment

7、al research, and its exciting to see it plays out in the real world,” says Elizabeth, a professor of psychology at Temple University, who led the study.“Praising the efforts, actions and work of the kid is going to be more beneficial in their longterm persistence and work hard in the future.”Such “p

8、rocess praise” includes comments such as “You worked really hard” or “Youre doing a great job,” which emphasize the childs actions.“Person praise” includes comments like “Youre so smart” or “Youre so good,” which focus on a childs inherent qualities.These distinctions arent new in the field of psych

9、ology, but exactly how they affect childrens development over the years hasnt been clear.As part of the study, researchers visited the homes of more than 50 toddlers between the age of 1 and 3 years old, and filmed their daily interactions with their parents during multiple 90minute sessions.Five ye

10、ars later, the researchers followed up with the families, using questionnaires to measure the childrens attitudes toward challenges and problem solving.The children who grew up with more process praise were more open to challenge, and could identify more ways of overcoming difficult problems.While p

11、erson praise didnt seem to have any negative effect on the children, process praise teaches children that their talents and abilities can be developed and improved, while person praise sends the message that their abilities are fixed and therefore not easily changed.【语篇解读】根据一项研究表明父母的奖励性话语对孩子的行为产生积极的

12、影响。1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?APraising inspires kids to form good personal quality.BPraising kids is tested to be effective in the long run.CThe process of praising kids experiment is suspected.DThe praising experiment is carried out in real situation.【解析】细节理解题。选项C与第二段第一句表达不符,

13、其余选项可在第二段第一句及第二句找到依据。【答案】C2. The underlined word “distinctions ”in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _.AconditionBdifferenceCexception Dappearance 【解析】词义理解题。根据第三段第一句及第二句的句意可得知:作者是在比较两种表扬方式的差异:过程式表扬关注孩子的行为,而个人表扬更强调孩子的本性。【答案】B3From the last paragraph we can learn that _.A. kids should not be praise

14、d too frequently Bdifferent kids should be praised differentlyCprocess praise is less effective as we expectedDkids with process praise tend to be more creative【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段第三句:“The children who grew up with more process praise were more open to challenge, and could identify more ways of overcomi

15、ng difficult problems.”及第四句“process praise teaches children that their talents and abilities can be developed and improved”可推断总结出:过程式的表扬可以使孩子更具创造力。【答案】D4. What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo introduce a better way to praise kidsBTo compare two different praising waysCTo predict the result of process praisingDTo report the way of praising experiment【解析】主旨大意题。文章的中心思想和主题大意出现在第一段及最后一段,本文主要介绍一种更佳的表扬方式,因此选A。【答案】ABI


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