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1、Section 3Using Language.单词拼写1I like walking to and from work,because it is _(对生态环境友好的)2There are many places of interest in my hometown, not to _(提及) beautiful lakes and mountains.3He has no time for _(娱乐), for he is always occupied.4Luckily, they got there ahead of _(时间表)5He worked as a _(顾问) in th

2、at worldfamous company.【答案】略【提示】a schedule for 的计划、日程安排according to schedule 按预定计划ahead of (on;behind) schedule 提前(准时、比预定时间晚)be scheduled for. 预定be scheduled to do sth.预定做某事.选词填空1_ you, I still have a long way to go.2This magazine _ all the public opinions.3I do hope you will not _ in this accident.

3、4The news that we won the game soon _ in our hometown.5I _ go to see you, but a friend of mine came to see me.【答案】略【提示】get around (相当于get about ) (消息)传开,传出去get ahead 走在前面,得到成功get across 讲清楚,让明白;被理解get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚;(受了小小的惩罚)就算了;带着跑了got it 明白了,懂了.话题交际翻译下列句子1世界上最大的洲是哪一个?_2世界上最大的沙漠是哪一个?_3世界上最

4、长的山脉是哪一座?_4世界上最长的河是哪一条?_【答案】略【常见句式】What is the形容词最高级 n. in the world?which引导非限制性定语从句根据汉语提示完成下列句子在这样的天气里,Ted只穿短裤和一件T恤衫来度周末,那是欠考虑的。Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a Tshirt, _ to do in such weather.他死了,全家人都很伤心。He died, _ his family sad.众所周知,太阳是圆的。_, the sun is round.他和她结婚了,这是出乎意料的

5、。He married her, _.单句改错Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,what,of course,made the others unhappy._【答案】which is a stupid thingwhich madeAs we all knowwhich was unexpectedwhat改为which关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,可以指主句中提到的事物,也可以指主句的全部内容。关系词位于句首,常用as;若位于句中,则用as或which。关系词若在句中,且从句强调的是主句谓语动词

6、的结果,则用which。make宾语宾语补足语根据汉语提示完成下列句子它需要像我们这样的人使它成为可能。It takes people like us _.我很难用英语把自己的想法表达清楚。It is difficult _ in English.老板让我们一天为他工作16个小时。We _ for the boss 16 hours a day.每天步行两公里是我铁定的习惯。I _ 2 kilometers a day.单句改错He didnt make clear when and where the meeting would be held._【答案】to make it possibl

7、eto make myself understoodwere made to workmade it a rule to walkmake后加itmake的意思是“使如何”,在此结构中可用作宾补的有名词、代词、形容词、不带to的动词不定式、过去分词、介词短语等。make变为被动语态时,不定式作主语的补足语要带to。get around根据汉语提示完成下列句子因为正在通过的车流,他们不能到我这儿。They _ because of the stream of passing traffic.没有汽车的旅行很艰难。Its hard _ without a car.坏消息传得比什么都快。Nothin

8、g _ faster than bad news.他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交了罚款了事。For such a serious offence,he was lucky _ a fine.单句改错I found him a little difficult to get around with._He got the promotion(提升)because he got around his ideas to the boss._【答案】couldnt get around meto get aroundgets aroundto get away with把around改成on或alo

9、ng把around改成acrossget around 到处旅行;(四处)走动;(消息)传开get on/along 进行,进展get across 使通过;被理解;(把)讲清楚get away with 逃避惩罚get down to 着手;开始主语be形容词to do根据汉语提示完成下列句子西方的土地是很难管理的。Land in the West was _.这个箱子太重了以至于提不起来。The box is too heavy _.他很容易相处。He is easy _.他是很容易共事的He is easy _.单句改错I like getting up very early in su

10、mmer.The morning air is so good to breathe it._【答案】hard to manageto liftto get along/on withto work with去掉it这一结构中主语是不定式的承受者,所以该不定式的动词应为及物动词(短语);若是不及物动词,应加介词,但不定式常用主动语态。常用于此句式的形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, pleasant, light, heavy, interesting等。in case根据汉语提示完成下列句子我刚才把它放在了那里,万一你需要它。I put it there just now

11、 _.在任何情况下你都不应向她屈服。In no case _ her.带着雨衣吧,以防下雨。Take your raincoat _.我整天待在家里,以防你打来电话。I stayed all day at home _.单句改错In case of he leaves,please inform me._【答案】in case you needed itshould you give in toin case it rainsin case you called把of去掉或把of改成that1in case相当于连词,引导条件状语从句。2in no case决不;在任何情况下都不(该结构如果放在句首,主句要部分倒装)。3case意为“情况;情形”时,后面定语从句的关系词为where。cater for根据汉语提示完成下列句子制床业介绍,床应该比使用者长6英寸,因此甚至一张6英尺6英寸的巨型床对25%的男子来讲,正在变短,而6英尺3英寸的标准床满足不到一半男性的需要。The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a kingsize bed at 66(6 feet and 6 inche


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