2017-2018学年高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修4

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2017-2018学年高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修4_第1页
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2017-2018学年高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修4_第2页
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《2017-2018学年高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修4(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1With so many people communicating (交流) in English every day, we can see it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.2The wind was strong and the fire spread (蔓延) quickly. 3Im terribly sorry. I wasn

2、t conscious (意识到的) of having hurt her. I was just making a joke.4“Genius” is a complicated concept, involving (包含) many different factors.5Its said that those with the blood of type O are most aggressive (攻击的)6Shes been receiving threatening (恐吓的) phone calls.7This is a(n) informal (非正式的) conversati

3、on between the leaders of two countries.单句改错1The final test finishing, all the students went home happily.finishingfinished2Our new school was built on where used to be a waste land.wherewhat3They spent a great deal of times playing computer games.timestime4More than one worker have been sent to the

4、 training center to improve their working skills in the past three years.havehas5He doesnt know what to deal with these difficulties.whathow6My mother said that if we believe something was true, we should hold on it.on后加to7When asking about his marriage, he made no answer.askingasked8Involving in th

5、e bank robbery, Tod was arrested by the local police early in the morning. InvolvingInvolved.完成句子1What_made_the_school_proud (使这所学校骄傲的是) was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.2My new classmates are_easy_to_get_along_with (很容易相处)3However, views on this issue var

6、y_from_person_to_person (因人而异)4Hearing the news, Tom was more_surprised_than_disappointed (与其说是失望,倒不如说是惊奇)5I was_so_involved_in (全神贯注) my book that I didnt hear you knock.6The problem, unless_handled_properly (除非妥善处理), may lead to misunderstanding between the two sides.7Weather_permitting (如果天气允许),

7、we are going to visit you tomorrow.8The little girl held_on_to_her_mother (紧紧抓住她母亲), because she didnt want her to go.课文语法填空We communicate 1.with more than just spoken and written words. We also need to learn body language, which varies 2.from culture to culture. 3.Traditionally (tradition), Europea

8、ns and Americans shake hands with their right hand, 4.which means “I trust you. Look, I am not carrying a 5.threatening (threat) weapon.” They also shake hands when they make 6.a deal. In China, we put the right hand over the left and bow 7.slightly (slight) when we greet someone 8.while Muslims giv

9、e a “salaam”. Hindus join their hands and bow their heads in respect. The expression “Give me five!” is also a gesture for American youths to greet one another. Body language is fascinating for anyone 9.to_study (study). You can give 10.away much more by gestures than by words. So look at your frien

10、ds and family to see if you are a mind reader.串点成篇微表达尽管生活中的关系因文化而不同(vary from . to .),但是父母和孩子间的关系是最重要的。我们很清楚(conscious)父母总是关心和爱护我们。他们不仅仅是(more than)我们的父母,而且是能看懂我们心思的人(mind readers)。尽管他们忙着(be busy doing)挣钱,但是他们也会经常参与(get involved in)我们的学习和生活。另外,父母要求我们在陌生人面前不要暴露(give away)自己。但当有人迷路的时候,我们应该为他们指路。我认为父母和

11、孩子彼此应该多交流并互相尊重(show respect for)。作为孩子我们应该达成协议(make a deal)去跟父母做朋友。Although_relationship_in_life_varies_from_culture_to_culture,_the_relationship_between_parents_and_children_is_the_most_important._We_are_conscious_that_parents_always_show_love_and_care_for_us._In_our_eyes,_they_are_more_than_our_par


13、cate_with_each_other_and_show_respect_for_each_other._As_a_result,_we_as_children_should_make_a_deal_to_make_friends_with_our_parents.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Similar to my universe of classical music, all of us live in an increasingly interrelated (相互联系的), interdependent world. I believe East and West w

14、ill coexist (共存) best when each _1_ it needs to learn from the other. _2_ one side is better. Were all each others _3_ and each others students Muslims and Christians, Jews and Arabs, First World and Third.Sales of pianos were _4_ in the United States for the time being, but they were rising _5_ in

15、China. The human need for music was about a(n) _6_ for immortality (不朽), about the timelessness of mystery and magic. _7_ there was one man or woman left on earth, I thought, there would have to be _8_.Over the years I have _9_ that being number one is not the only _10_ a person should have. There i

16、s no _11_ that I am extremely proud of all I have _12_ through diligence and discipline (纪律) and hard work. My family and I have _13_ great sacrifices (牺牲). The only thing that always sustained (维持) me throughout all of the difficult years was my _14_ for music and my love for playing the piano. Making music is like breathing



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