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1、 2016年外研社三起点四年级英语下册期末测试卷Name:_Class:_ 听力部分(50 分)一、选出你所听到的单词并填在题目前的括号中。(10分)( )1. A. cool B. cold C.clever ( )2. A.found B.hospital C.holiday ( )3. A. fell B.fall C.ball ( )4. A. beautiful B. because C.beautifully ( )5.A.picnic B.concert C.poster 二、听音连线。(10分)(1) Haikou A. rainy(2) Guangzhou B. windy(

2、3) Shenyang C. cloudy(4) Yinchuan D. sunny (5) Shanghai E. hot三、听音按顺序标出序号。(10分)四、根据所听到的内容判断正误,对的写T,错的写F。(10分) 5、 根据所听到的内容选择正确的答语。 ( )1. A.Yes, I will. B.Yes, I do. ( )2. A.Its Lingings B.Its Linging. ( )3. A.Yes,I can. B.Yes, I will. ( )4. A.I will go swimming. B.Its on the desk. ( )5. A.Its a robot

3、. B.No,I didnt. 笔试部分(50分)一、找出不同类单词的序号。(5分) ( )1.A.watermelon B.cake C、banana ( )2. A.cool B.clever C、cloudy ( )3.A.sing B. walk C、shy ( )4. A.rainy B.play C、sunny ( )5. A.have B.fever C、headache2、 选择题。(10分)1. ( ) It is a book _London A. in B. of C. about 2. ( ) Will they take the ball? _. A. Yes, I

4、will B.No, I will C. No ,they wont 3. ( ) I will go swimming_Monday. A. in B.on C. at 4. ( ) It will be _in Beijing. A .wind B. windy C.rain 5.( )_is that girl ? She is Lingling A .Who B. What C .Where 6.( )They_young then, now they _old . A .are, were B were , are C was ,is 7.( ) He fell_the bike .

5、 A .off B. of C. on8.( )Did he _ in Washington DC last year? A .live B .lived C lives 9.( )What happened _your head ? A .in B .to C .at 10.( ) We _ a picnic last Saturday. A.has B.had C. have 3、 选出下列句子的正确的答句。(10分)()1.Didyouplaybasketballyesterday? A.Ill go swimming.()2.Wereyounaughty then ? B.Yes, h

6、e was.()3.Whatwillyoudotomorrow? C. Yes, I was.()4.DidSamwritealetter? D. No, I wont.()5.Was he strong then? E. No, he didnt.七、连词成句。from, a , my,is ,it , postcard , cousin (.)2.holiday, you, have, did, nice ,a (?) 3. Sam , on ,didnt, computer, play(.) 4.will , I, on , my, take, ball , Saturday (.)5.

7、be, will, it,cloudy, Beijing, in(?)短文阅读,对的在括号里写(T),错的写(F)。 Hello, Im Linlin, I am a Chinese girl, I live in Nanning.Nanning is a big city now. Its beautiful too. But it was a very small village then.The streets in Nanning. were old then. Now theyre very new and clean.The winter in Nanning is very warm, and the famous food is Laoyou noodle. I like Nanning.1.( )Linlin lives in Nanning now. 2.( )Nanning is a big city now. 3.( )The winter in Nanning is very cold. 4. ( )Now the streets in Nanning are old and dirty. 5. ( )Linlin doesnt like Nanning. 智汇文库 专业文档



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