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1、3a-SelfCheck知能演练提升.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Toms parents only let him (watch) TV on Sundays.2.Theyre my parents.I love (they) and they love me.3.The girl (have) five (basketball).4.That is an (interest) question.5.Lets play soccer.That(sound) great.用方框内单词的适当形式补全对话whatonnoballpleasethanksportplayquestionmany

2、A:Goodmorning,Jack!B:Goodmorning,Bill!A:Can I ask you some 1.?B:Yes,2.A:Do you have any 3. equipment (器材)?B:Yes,I do.A:4.do you have?B:I have eight soccer 5.and five volleyballs.A:Do you have ping-pong balls?B:6.But I have 7.ping-pong bats.A:Well,do you like to 8.sports?B:No,I dont.I only like watch

3、ing sports 9. TV.A:OK.10.for your answers.完形填空I have a good friend.His name is Tom Black.He is 1Englishman.He lives 2China.He teaches English in a 3.He can speak a little 4.Mrs. Black is a teacher,5.They 6 two children.Their7 name is Tony.Their daughters name is Mary.They are 8 the same school.They

4、all like 9 sports and they have 10 sports things.1.A.aB.anC.theD./2.A.onB.inC.atD.of3.A.homeB.factoryC.classroomD.school4.A.ChineseB.EnglishC.mathD.China5.A.alsoB.wellC.andD.too6.A.haveB.hasC.theresD.there are7.A.sonB.daughterC.sonsD.daughters8.A.onB.withC.inD.of9.A.doB.doesC.playingD.play10.A.fewB.

5、manyC.littleD.any.任务型阅读A:Hey,Alan.Lets go to the sports club (俱乐部)!B:OK.Do you take the ping-pong bats with you?A:Yes,I do.I take two and theyre in my schoolbag.B:Well,do you take the soccer ball with you?A:No.The soccer ball is not at home.Its in the sports club.B:Oh.Helen,I cant find my red sports

6、 hat.Please help me.A:Its under your chair.Go and get it and then go to the sports club.Comeon!Were late.B:OK.根据对话内容,完成下列任务。任务一:将对话中画线的句子译成汉语。1.任务二:结合上下文,猜测画线单词take的汉语意思。2.take 意为“”。A.买B.带C.打D.洗任务三:完成句子。3.There are in Helens schoolbag.任务四:回答问题。4.Where is the soccer ball?5.What color is Alans sports hat?答案:.1.watch2.them3.has;basketballs4.interesting5.sounds.1.questions2.please3.sports4.What5.balls6.No7.many8.play9.on10.Thanks.1.B2.B3.D4.A5.D6.A7.C8.C9.C10.B.1.让我们去体育俱乐部吧。2.B3.two ping-pong bats4.Its in the sports club.5.Its red. 智汇文库 专业文档



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