(天津专用)2018高中英语 6.2 listening everyday english speaking课件 外研版选修8

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1、.单词识记 1_ndrinks such as beer,wine,etc. 2_na quality that makes sb/sth attractive or interesting. 3_vto look quickly at sb/sth 4_adj.that will last or have an effect over a long period of time,Period Two Listening;Everyday English;Speaking; Reading and Vocabulary;Writing;Reading Practice,5_na lack of

2、 order or organization 6_na method or system that people use to get information,to communicate 7_vto use facts,evidence etc.to show sth is true. 8_vto make sth more modern by adding new parts,etc. 答案 1.alcohol 2.appeal 3.glance 4.longterm 5disorder 6.channel 7.prove 8.update,.短语天地 1_有相似之处 2_一种黄色的花 3

3、_熟记/用心 4_不加思索地 5_进一步考虑 6a way of _ 7a memorable event_ 8people of all different backgrounds and ages_,答案 1.have sth in common 2.a type of yellow flower 3.by heart 4.off the top of my head 5.on second thoughts 6一种的方式 7.一件有纪念意义的事 8.不同背景和年龄的人,If only people could see me inside. 信息提取 if only 要是就好了,但愿 例句

4、仿写 要是我有更多的钱,我就能给这些孩子提供更多的帮助。 _,I could offer more help to these children. Poets use language as a way of expressing their feelings. 信息提取 a way of n./doing 例句仿写 他有办法让那个孩子笑。 He has a way of _,1,2,.句型搜索,Writing poetry can help people deal with changes in their lives. 信息提取 动名词短语作主语。 例句仿写 帮助别人是一种美德。 _is

5、a virtue. 答案 1.If only I had more money 2.making the little child laugh 3.Helping others,3,(1)v.一瞥,迅速看一眼;扫视( at/round/over/through);简略提及(at) He came in and glanced round the conference room. 他进来扫视了一下会议室。 He glanced at the letter and recognized his fathers handwriting.他瞥了眼那封信,认出是他父亲的笔迹。 (2)n.扫视;一瞥(at

6、/ into/ over/ through) Have you got time for a glance at the report? 你有时间浏览这份报告吗?,1glance,【辨析】 glance/stare/glare,【完成句子】 乍一看问题似乎很容易解决。 _the problem seemed easy. 裁判官的头从文件上仰起来,对他怒目圆睁。 The judge looked up from his notes to _him. 答案 At first glance glare at,I defy you to prove that I have cheated. 我敢说你不

7、能证明我曾行骗。 I was unable to prove the truth of what he said. 我不能证实他的话。,2prove v证明,证实(that);表现,显示,prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事 prove sb s innocence/guilt证明某人清白/有罪 prove sb right/wrong证明某人正确/错误 prove (to be)n./ adj.原来是,结果是,终被发现是(主动形式表示被动) prove thatclause证明 It is proved that据证明 proof n证据 Theres (no) proof tha

8、t.(没)有证据证明,【完成句子】 据证明,他是个诚实的孩子。 _that he is an honest boy. 他的计划看起来太困难,但是没多久就被证明很实用。 His plan seemed to be too difficult,but before long it _practicable. 答案 Its proved proved to be,approve v赞成;批准;通过 The Senate approved a plan for federal funding of local housing programs. 参议院批准了一项关于联邦政府提供地方建房资金的计划。 C

9、atherines parents now approve of her marriage. 凯瑟琳的父母现在同意她结婚。 approve of赞成 meet with ones approval得到某人的批准 with approval of经的批准 win/earn ones approval得到赞许 disapprove of不赞成,3,【单项填空】 The photos on the wall_my mother of those happy old days when a large family lived together. Ainform Bapprove Cremind Dr

10、etell 答案 C,Toms just been on a computing course,all at the companys expense. 汤姆刚开始学习一个电脑课程,费用全部由公司支付。 High production rates are often achieved at the expense of quality of work. 高产出率常常是以(牺牲)产品质量为代价的。 at ones expense花某人的钱;在某人受损的情况下 at any expense/cost不管花多少钱或付出多大代价,4expense n费用;开支,【辨析】 expense/price/f

11、ee,用expense,price,fee填空 What is the _of this diamond ring? If you want to join,there is an entrance _of 20 yuan and an annual membership _of 10 yuan. The manufacturer and the dealer shared in the_of advertising. 答案 price fee;fee expense,caution n小心,谨慎;警告;vt.警告,告诫;使小心 Open the box with caution. 打开那盒子

12、时要小心。 She cautioned the child against talking to strangers. 她告诫那孩子不要同陌生人搭讪。 with caution小心地 treat sth with caution认真对待某事物 give sb a caution给某人警告 caution sb against (doing)sth 警告某人不要做某事,要某人谨防某事 caution sb not to do sthcaution sb against doing sth 警告某人不要做某事 be cautious about (doing) sth 小心谨慎地做某事,5,【完成

13、句子】 老师警告我不要再迟到了,否则他会惩罚我的。 The teacher cautioned me_again,or he would punish me. 我不得不多加小心,保护我的视力。 I find it necessary to use the utmost_my eyesight. 答案 not to be late caution about,take on 呈现;承担;接纳 After the student put a Christmas tree in the centre,the room took on a holiday appearance. 同学们在中间放置了一棵

14、圣诞树后,房间里呈现一派节日景象。 He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. 他不愿承担重任。,1,take up占据(时间、空间等);开始/从事或(学习等) take the side of 站在的那一边;支持一边 take on a new look呈现新面貌 take down写下,记下;拆除,拆掉 take in理解;欺骗 take off起飞;脱下;(事业)成功 take over接替,接管 take back收回,退回,用take有关的短语完成句子 公共汽车停下让乘客上车。 The bus stopped to _more

15、 passengers. 他放弃法语课,选读英语课。 He dropped French so as to_English. 学生们发现老师所教的东西很容易领会。 The students found it easy to _what their teacher had taught. 答案 take on take up take in,They could properly deal with all kinds of situations. 他们能恰当地应付各种局面。 Deal with a man as he deals with you . 以其人之道,还治其人之身。,2deal with 对付,应付,处理,do with 处置,忍受,相处 do with常与连接代词 what 连用,而 deal with 常与连接副词 how 连用。 译你是如何处理那些旧箱子的? 误What have you dealt with the old box? 正What h


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