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1、商务英语口语翻译试题(上)两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ your attitude to life,work,money,living together before marriage? 2,你经常化妆吗?你经常用香水吗?为什么?在一些特殊场合我就会化妆、用香水,比如.Do you always wear makeup? Do you always wear perfume? Why? I wear makeup,perfume on some special occasions.3,你经常锻炼吗?多久锻炼一次?为什么?Do you always work out? How

2、often do you work out? Why?4,每年有多少人死于抽烟?根据统计、调查,每年有.人死于抽烟。About how many people die from smoking each year? According to survey,statistics, about . People die from smoking each year.5,你老师、同桌.长什么样?身高、体重、脸、头发、眼睛、鼻子、胡须、眼镜、下巴、胖瘦、穿着(手表、戒指、项链、手镯、耳环.What does your teacher, deskmate look like? Height,weight

3、,face,hair, eyes,nose,beard,glasses,chin,thinorfat,wear( watch,ring,necklace,bracelet,earrings.6,你每个月、每年花多少钱买衣服?How much money do you spend on clothes each month,year?7,你们公司是怎么给产品打广告的?互联网、报刊杂志、电视、户外广告、派传单.How does your company advertise the products? Internet, magazines and newspapers,TV commercials

4、,outdoor advertisements, distribute flyers. 8,为什么你想改行呢?因为我厌倦了一直做一样的事情。Why do you want to change your job? Because i am tired of doing the same thing all the time.9,你一定要穿工衣上班吗?上班期间你允许戴首饰吗?为什么?Do you have to wear a uniform to work? Are you allowed to wear jewelry at work?10,东莞市 翻译服务中心是一家专业的语言培训机构。Dongguan Municipal Translation Service Center is a professional language training institution.两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/


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