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1、Recycle1 read and say 说课稿荆集小学孙振东各位老师,大家好,今天我要说课的内容是 PEP 小学六年级英语下册 Recycle1 read and say。我将从以下几个方面来分析:一、说教材1、教学内容今天我所执教的这节课是 PEP 小学英语六年级下册 Recycle 1 Lets take a trip A 第一课时 read and say.这 是小学阶段一节复习课,我把它作 为一堂集听、说、读、写多种技能训练于一身的综合复习课,通过运用本单元重点功能句,对小学 阶段的重点短语作了一次整合,让学生在相对真实的语言情境中展开对话,巩固新知。2、教学目标与要求能够读懂 R

2、ead and say 的小短文,并能在具体情景中运用能熟练掌握并能运用 be going to 句型询问并回答他人和自己旅程的安排通过对本课的学习,要求学生了解昆明的一些信息,以及 Stone Forest 和 folk dances 的了解。通过本课学习,培养学生 爱祖国, 爱家乡,爱学校以及爱生活的情感。教学重、难点分析本课时的重难点是让学生将第四单元的中心语言与 be going to 句型融为一体,在具体情景中能自然运用。二、说教法、学法根据以上对教材的分析,我采用游戏导入法,情境创设 法及多媒体 辅助法, 坚持以话题为核心,采用任 务型活 动安排本课的教学,让学生在真 实的语言氛

3、围中,掌握知 识。三、说教学过程Step1热身(Warm-up )(1)GreetingT: Today we are going to learn a new lesson “take a trip!” (学生跟读本课课题) Im very happy to discuss this topic ,because take a trip is my dream, class, do you like travelling ? (生答) ,I like taking a trip ,too this class we are going to take a trip !first ,Lets

4、do some oralEnglish. a. Whats the weather like today ?b. What day is it today ?c. What did you do yesterday ?d. What are you going to do after school ?. 学生根据教师的话题聊一聊自己平时的生活。T: just now you say so many about yourself, and today we are going to learn this English class in the computer room ,Im very ha

5、ppy ?(问 两名学生) how do you feel ?(问所有的学生) how do you feel ?(学生回答) Im glad to hear that ,Im very happy too ,OK, class , you are very happy and we are all happy ,too,so lets sing a happy song :if you are happy.(媒体播放)if you are happy(学生跟唱)Step 2.复习(Review)T: OK ,after the beautiful song ,are you happy? p

6、lease let your happiness go on .Summer holiday is coming, Its the good season for trip复习几个疑问词:where,when,what,who,how 句型.Step 3. 新课呈现(Presentation)(1)引入由 Guess 环节引入, I am going to take a trip. Its usually warm and sunny. Its known as “ Spring City”. Where am I going ?引出 Mike is going to visit Kunmin

7、g.简介昆明(2)新授 listen and answerWhere is Mike going on his holiday? Listen again and answer:.Who is Mike going with? .What is he going to do in Kunming? Ask the students to read the dialogue on page 50,and fill in Mikes trip schedule on P51 简介 folk dances 和 stones 跟 读短文 让学生跟着录音模仿短文的语音和语调 Ask the studen

8、ts to read the dialogue in pairsStep 4 practice Retell the passageMike is going to visit _ _.Hes going there with his _, his _ and his _ _.Theyre going by _.Mike is going to _ and _ They will have a good time in _. Talk about your holiday plans with your partnersIm_. I am a student. Im going to_with_my_this summer holiday. We are going there_. In_we are going to_.And we are going to_. It must be fun. I cant wait.Step 5 Homework:1.完成英语练习册第 45 页。2.复习 Unit 1-Unit 2 的四会单词,准备听写。3.预习 Recycle 1 的第 54 页- 第 56 页。五、说板书设计在板书设计上我采用了句型及短语共同呈现的方式,既简洁 又明了,有呈现,有操练,又能体现本课的重点内容。这就是我今天的说课内容,谢谢大家。



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