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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Section Writing-描写考古发现一、基本结构第一部分:简单介绍所要描写的考古发现在历史上的地位。第二部分:详细介绍该项考古发现的主要特点。第三部分:概要总结该项考古发现所反映出的文化意义。二、增分佳句(一)考古发现的开头常用句式历史地位1The bronze sword discovered in an ancient tomb in Hunan Province dates back to 2,000 years ago.在湖南省一座古墓中挖掘出来的青铜剑可追溯到2 000年前。2The discovery presen

2、ts to us the skillful technique and vivid imagination of our ancestors, attracting much attention from every corner of the world.这项发现向我们呈现了我们祖先的熟练技术和丰富的想象力,吸引了全球各地许多的注意力。3人们认为这是迄今为止在中国发现的最早的也是最大的造纸作坊。People believe that it is the earliest and largest ancient papermaking workshop site ever found in C

3、hina.It is believed to be the earliest and largest ancient papermaking workshop site ever found in China.(二)考古发现的主体常用句式主要特点1This object, which was made of bronze, was unearthed last year.这件去年出土的物品是用青铜器制作的。2This was one of the most important archaeological discoveries of this century.这是本世纪最重要的考古发现之一。

4、3This treasure has a history of 3,000 years.这件物品有3 000年的历史。4The plow is a very important invention because in old days, it allowed people to farm more land and grow more food.犁是一个非常重要的发明,因为在古代它有助于人们耕种更多土地,提高粮食产量。5Located/Lying in the west of the city, it gives a vivid picture of the process of how p

5、aper was made during Song and Ming dynasties.它在城西,生动描绘了宋明时期的造纸流程的画面。(三)考古发现的结尾常用句式文化意义1It enjoys a worldwide fame as a traditional Chinese cultural site.作为中国传统文化的景点,它享有国际声誉。2Its been regarded as an important object to study the economic system and culture during the Western Zhou dynasty.它一直被认为是研究西周经

6、济和文化的重要物品。题目要求圆明园遗址公园是我国第一批国家考古遗址公园之一。请根据以下内容写一篇英语短文,介绍一下圆明园。1始建于1709年,历时约一个世纪;2由三个园子组成,占地347公顷;3以景色著称,更是一个文物宝库;41860年遭英法联军掠夺焚毁。参考词汇:公顷:hectare一个文物宝库:a vast collection of cultural treasures第一步:审题构思很关键一、审题1确定体裁:本文为介绍圆明园的说明文;2确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第三人称;3确定时态:主要使用过去时为主。二、构思第一部分:简单介绍圆明园的地位。第二部分:详细介绍圆明园的特点。第三部分:

7、反映出的重要文化意义。第二步:核心词汇想周全1cover_an_area_of_.占面积 2be_made_up_of,_be_composed_of,_consist_of 由组成 3not_only_._but_also_. 不但而且4It_is_said_that_.;_they_say_. 据说5take_away,_carry_off,_go_away_with带走 6burn_down 烧毁 第三步:由词扩句雏形现1在中国历史上,曾有一个美妙绝伦的地方,叫做圆明园。In the history of China, there_was once an excellent place

8、which is named Yuanmingyuan.2圆明园最初建造于1709年。Yuanmingyuan was_first_built_in_1709.3它的建造持续了100多年。Its construction lasted_for_more_than_100_years.4它占地347公顷。It covered_an_area_of 347 hectares.5它由三个园子组成。It was_made_up_of three gardens.6圆明园不仅以美景著称,而且是一个巨大的文化宝库。Yuanmingyuan was_famous_not_only_for its beaut

9、y but_also_for a vast collection of cultural treasures.7据说英法军队在1860年抢劫并毁坏了它。It_is_said_that the UK and French armies robbed_and_destroyed it in 1860.8大多数的珍宝都被他们带走,其他的东西被砸坏或烧毁了。Most of the treasures were_taken_away_by_them and the rest were_broken_or_burned_down.9我们现在仅看到圆明园的模型,我们应该记住它的历史。Now we can_s

10、ee_the_model_of Yuanmingyuan, and we should remember_its_history.第四步:句式升级造亮点1将句1改为非谓语作后置定语In the history of China, there was once an excellent place named_Yuanmingyuan.2用定语从句将句2、3合成一句Yuanmingyuan was first built in 1709, whose_construction_lasted_for_more_than_100_years.3将句4改为非谓语并与句5合并Yuanmingyuan,

11、covering_an_area_of_347_hectares,_was made up of three gardens. 4将句6改为形容词短语作后置定语并与句7合为一句It is said that in 1860 the UK and French armies robbed and destroyed Yuanmingyuan that_was_famous_not_only_for_its_beauty_but_also_for_a_vast_collection_of_cultural_treasures.第五步:过渡衔接联成篇In the history of China,

12、there was once an excellent place named Yuanmingyuan.Yuanmingyuan was first built in 1709, whose construction lasted for more than 100 years. It was made up of three gardens, covering an area of 347 hectares. It is said that in 1860 the UK and French armies robbed and destroyed Yuanmingyuan that was

13、 famous not only for its beauty but also for a vast collection of cultural treasures. Most of the treasures were taken away by them and the rest were broken or burned down.Yuanmingyuan, representing our Chinese culture, was, is and will be our pride. Now we can see the model of Yuanmingyuan, and we should remember its history.4



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