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1、Unit 4 Body language Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1She opened her arms and gave me a big hug.2I was angry (anger) with myself for making such a stupid mistake.3Why did he suddenly turn his back to your agreement?4Even if they offered to pay, I wouldnt accept any money from them.5He

2、r mind was at ease, knowing that the children were safe.6How about buying her some flowers?7His facial (face) expression suggested that he was happy.8A majority (major) of students chose to walk to school.完成句子 1With our work done, we felt_much_at_ease (觉得好轻松)2She gave_a_false_name (提交假名字) to the pol

3、ice.3When she didnt want to listen to me, she turned_her_back_to_me (转身背对着我)4He is a_musician_of_the_first_rank (一位一流的音乐家)5Even_if/though_I_fail (即使我失败), Ill keep on trying. .完形填空One day a few years ago, an uninvited guest somehow came into our garage. In fact, this guest was a _1_. I heard it befor

4、e I saw it.“Whats that?” I asked when I first heard the _2_ thumping (撞击声)“It sounds like Joe is outside playing _3_,” my wife, Anita, said.“Nah,” I said. “That doesnt sound like basketball going on out there.”She paused and _4_ more intently. “Its coming from the garage,” she said, “Maybe its one o

5、f the little kids.”We opened the door. No _5_ at all. But there was that sound again, coming from right . up . there . It was a small sparrow (麻雀). It was _6_ anxiously, just inches below the ceiling. It was clearly trying to _7_, but couldnt see that the way out was not up, but down and out through

6、 the open door. So the bird _8_ flapping its wings and banging its little head against the ceiling.“_9_ thing,” Anita said, “it must be terrified.”I moved toward the bird and tried to get it out, but that only seemed to _10_ it more.“Why dont we just _11_ for some minutes,” Anita _12_, “Im sure it w

7、ill figure it out eventually.”So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing _13_. Then suddenly, it was _14_. We quickly went into the garage, and our guest was gone.Ive thought about that sparrow through the years, and Ive _15_ that birds arent much different from people in

8、 many respects. Just like that sparrow, we are often in a(n) _16_ that we dont know how to handle. Because we think we were born to soar (飞翔) ever _17_, we dont even consider the _18_ that something good might happen if we fly down a little bit. But life has a way of _19_ us that there are some righ

9、t directions in which we can travel, including down. Once we figure out that we can _20_ without banging our heads against ceilings trying to force our way up, we can usually save ourselves lots of grief (不幸)语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。我们生来就认为人生应该飞往高处,却从来没有考虑是否低飞一下。其实换个角度看问题,也许我们一下就会豁然开朗。1A.rabbitBbirdCmouse Ds

10、nake解析:选B由下文sparrow可知,这位不速之客是一只鸟(bird)。2A.natural BsimpleCgentle Dsharp解析:选C从下文可知,它在撞击车库的天花板,所以“我”听到一阵轻轻的(gentle)撞击声。3A.basketball BfootballCchess Dtennis解析:选A由下句可知此处为打篮球(basketball)。4A.listened BwatchedCexamined Dimagined解析:选A从上句thumping得出“我”妻子停下来更加专注地听着(listened)。5A.farmers BdriversCthieves Dchild

11、ren解析:选D上文kids有提示:我们打开车库门,发现里面根本没有小孩(children)。6A.waiting BlookingCflying Dcrying解析:选C下文fly有提示:它正在拼命地往上飞(flying)。7A.break in Bgo aheadCget out Dset off解析:选C由下文可知,它想从天花板上飞出去(get out)。8A.stopped BenjoyedCbegan Dcontinued解析:选D这只麻雀继续(continued)拍打着翅膀往上飞,头好几次都撞在了天花板上。9A.Poor BDangerousCLazy DTerrible解析:选A

12、见到这只无助的小麻雀被困在这里,“我”妻子觉得它很可怜(poor)。10A.force BfrightenCsurprise Dinterrupt解析:选B从本空后判断:“我”向它靠近,这只不过让它感到更加害怕(frighten)。11A.leave BworkCrest Dstay解析:选A由下文went back得出:妻子建议(suggested)我们暂时离开(leave)一会儿。12A.argued BsuggestedCdemanded Dshouted解析:选B参见上题解析。13A.race BbattleCdiscussion Dstruggle解析:选D根据本空前hear推断:我

13、们回到屋子里,但是仍然可以听到小麻雀在那里挣扎(struggle)。14A.bright BnoisyCsilent Ddark解析:选C从下句gone推断:突然,麻雀飞动的声音停止了(silent)。15A.joked BrealizedCstated Dproven解析:选B从这只小麻雀身上,“我”领悟到(realized),鸟儿在各个方面与人也差不多。16A.direction BexperimentCtrap Dsituation解析:选D就像那只小麻雀一样,我们也会经常陷入这样的处境(situation),不知所措。17A.upward BdownwardCleft Dright解析

14、:选A本句末以及下文down有提示:因为我们天生认为只能向上(upward)飞,却从来没有考虑过,如果往下飞一点说不定(possibility)会有意外的收获。18A.plan BpossibilityCproblem Dfact解析:选B参见上题解析。19A.warning BpromisingCadvising Dteaching解析:选D但是,生活教给(teaching)我们,人生其实有好多路可以走。20A.settle down Bturn upCmake progress Dlose face解析:选C一旦我们明白,不需要碰壁就可以取得进步(make progress),我们就能使自

15、己免遭不幸。.阅读七选五_1_, fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read the life story of a famous man, when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?_2_. Today, newspapers sell in ve


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