Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 Section A 课件(仁爱版八年级下).ppt

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1、Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms.,Unit 8 Our Clothes,Section A,Beautiful or ugly? What . made of? What size? What color ?,Talk!,M,Who often wears uniforms?,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,cook,postman,worker,office worker,Why do they need to wear uniforms?,Because suitable uniforms can show

2、 good discipline.,interview v. 采访,Li Lei is interviewing an office worker.,discipline n. 纪律,风纪,plain adj.普通的;家常的,The policeman wears plain clothes. He is carrying out a special task.,carry out 执行,开展,survey v.调查;查看,Listen to 1a and answer the following questions.,1.What are Miss Wang and the children

3、 mainly talking about? They are talking something about school uniforms. 2.Do all the children like school uniforms? No,they dont. 3.What is Janes idea? She thinks they can design their own uniforms by themselves. 4.Whats Miss Wangs suggestion? She suggests that the children should survey the studen

4、ts about styles of uniforms before designing their own uniforms.,1b,Miss Wang: Boys and girls, our school plans to make uniforms for you. Jane: Kangkang, can you tell me what Miss Wang says? Kangkang: She says that our school plans to make uniforms for us. Maria: I like to wear my own clothes becaus

5、e school uniforms will look ugly on us. Michael: Not really. It depends on who will design our uniforms. Jane: I think we can design our own uniforms by ourselves. Kangkang: Good idea! Its true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline. Miss Wang: I agree with you. Youd better survey the stude

6、nts about styles of uniforms. Then you can design your own uniforms, and youll be glad to wear them.,Listen and follow.,1. Its true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline. (1)本句是一个由it作形式主语的复合句,真正的主语是that从句,其结构为 It is +adj.+that从句。 E.g:人们穿不同的衣服是很有必要的。 It is necessary that people wear differe

7、nt clothes. (2)suitable uniforms得体的制服 2. Can you tell me what Miss Wang says? 本句为含有特殊疑问词what引导的宾语从句的复合句。 拆散为两个简单句看看其变化: (1)Can you tell me ? (2) What does Miss Wang say ? 把特殊疑问句转为宾语从句的变化步骤: 引导词:特殊疑问词(不能省略); 语序:陈述句语序,即“主语+谓语+其他” 人称变化时态变化(第八单元三话题学习) E.g:Can you tell me ? Who are you waiting for ? Can

8、you tell me who you are waiting for ? Do you know? Where is he from ? Do you know where he is from ?,Key points of 1a,What color do you want ?,Where can we make them?,What style do you like?,What materials should we choose?,The children are discussing how to design their school uniforms. Make up con

9、versations after the example.,Example: A:Can you tell me what Maria asks? B:She asks what materials they should choose.,1c,(KKangkang,PPolicewoman) K:Excuse me,madam._ P:We usually wear uniforms when we are at work,but sometimes we wear plain clothes to carry out special tasks. K:_ P:Sure.When we ar

10、e wearing uniforms,people in trouble can find us. _ K:Uniforms can also show good discipline and make you look important. P:Yes.Youre right.,Listen to the coversation and put A,B and C in the right places.,(Kangkang is interviewing a policewoman.),A.Is it important for you to wear uniforms at work?

11、B.Could you tell me when you wear your uniforms? C.And our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.,B,A,C,2a,Read 2a and answer the following questions. Then try to give a short report.,1.When does the policewoman wear uniforms? They wear uniforms when they are at work. 2.Why does the po

12、licewoman think its important to wear uniforms? Because when they are wearing uniforms,people in trouble can find them,and their uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.,2b,Could you tell me when you wear your uniforms? 你能告诉我你们什么时候穿制服吗? 1、when 引导宾语从句时译为“什么时候”。如: I dont know when he will

13、come. 我不知道他什么时候会来。(宾语从句) 2、when 引导时间状语从句时译为“当时”。如: Patients can find us easily when they are in need. 当病人有需要时,他们能够很容易地找到我们。(时间状语从句) And our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things. 我们的制服可以防止一些人干坏事。 stop . from doing sth. = keep . from doing sth. 阻止,防止干某事 E.g: 你无法阻止人们说出自己的想法。 You cant sto

14、p people from saying what they think. 她父母试图阻止她和他见面。 Her parents tried to stop her from seeing him. 知识拓展: stop doing sth. 停止做某事(停止正在做的事情) 如: Suddenly everyone stopped talking. 突然每个人都停下来不说话了。 stop to do sth. 停下(正在做的事)去做(另一件事)如: We stopped to take pictures. 我们停下来去照相。,Key points of 2a,Suppose you are on

15、e of the following persons.Pretend to interview each other and make a conversation similar to 2a. Then role-play in pairs.,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,cook,postman,worker,office worker,Make up conversations after the example,using the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the word order of o

16、bject clause.,Example: A:Could you please tell me what clothes you like best? B:Sure. I like jeans best.,What clothes do you like best? What do you like to wear in summer? When/Where do you wear school uniforms? Why do/dont you like school uniforms? How often do you go shopping? Who usually buys clothes for you? .,3,Project



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