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1、单元加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空“Ill not take another step!” William _1_ his tired body to the ground. Caroline stood beside him _2_ as the wagon (货车) team was moving on without them.She encouraged him.“Come along, William. We dont want to _3_.”“I dont _4_. Ill just stay here for the rest of my lif

2、e. Its too far. I cant _5_ it,” William said.They had walked side by side from New York to . well, wherever this place was. And through it all, William had been strong. Caroline had depended on his _6_. But at the moment, she had to be the strong one.“All right,” she said.“But you can _7_ walk with

3、me the rest of the day. Then you can come back here, if you _8_.” This seemed like a small _9_ to William. Surely he could walk one more day, so he _10_.When he arose the next morning, Caroline wasnt in her blanket. He finally _11_ her on a small hill just outside the camp.“See that hill,” she said

4、as he _12_ her. He turned to look.“Yes. I see it,” he said.“I _13_ you would walk that far with me,” she said.“Then you can return.”William _14_ looking at the hill. It didnt seem to be such a great _15_.“Ill walk with you to the hill,” he agreed.“But no _16_.”It took two days for them to reach the

5、hill, and by then Caroline got focused on a range of mountains ahead. She _17_ her brother to walk with her just that far. In this way, Caroline made her brother walk about 1,000 miles until their _18_ was over.Life often provides us with journeys that seem long. It can be _19_ to look down the road

6、 at the huge task before us. We need to remember that we _20_ accomplish any great thing all at once.语篇解读:在漫长的旅途之中,疲倦的弟弟不愿继续前行。姐姐采取策略成功地让他走完了全部旅程。1A.sentBappliedCtied Dthrew解析:选DWilliam一步也走不动了,疲倦地倒在地上。2A.tiredly BanxiouslyChappily Dsadly解析:选B根据“as the wagon (货车) team was moving on without them”可知,车队

7、一直在继续前行,而William却拒绝前行,Caroline感到非常着急。3A.give in Bget awayCfall behind Dgive out解析:选CCaroline让William起来接着走,她不想掉队。4A.care BimagineCunderstand Dbelieve解析:选A尽管他们会掉队,但William不在乎,因为他累得不行了。5A.get BcatchCaccept Ddo解析:选DWilliam太疲倦了,他不能再前行了。6A.bravery BstrengthCkindness Dsmartness解析:选B根据前文“And through it all,

8、 William had been strong.”可判断选B项。7A.at least Bat mostCin all Din fact解析:选A通过下文可知,Caroline逐渐说服William往前走,由此可推断此处意为“你至少可以陪着我走完这一天。”8A.beg BhateClike Dallow解析:选C走完这一天以后,如果你愿意的话,你可以再回来。9A.request BplanCidea Dreward解析:选A走完这一天对William来说是一个不难的要求。10A.refused BstoodCquitted Dagreed解析:选DWilliam同意继续往前走了。11A.th

9、ought BfoundCsettled Dseized解析:选B第二天早晨起来,William发现Caroline站在帐篷外面的小山上。12A.called BaccompaniedCapproached Dcontacted解析:选CWilliam在走近Caroline的时候,她让他看那座小山。13A.wish BensureCdoubt Dorder解析:选ACaroline希望William可以和她一起走到前面的那座小山。14A.forgot BstartedCcontinued Davoided解析:选CWilliam继续看着前面的那座小山。15A.career BdistanceC

10、dream Dpath解析:选B从他们现在的所在地到前面的小山看起来不远。16A.sooner BlongerCmore Dfurther解析:选DWilliam答应走到前面的小山,但他到了以后不会再往更远的地方走了。17A.forced BpersuadedCpromised Dpreferred解析:选BCaroline劝说William逐渐往前走。18A.journey BexperienceCstory Dlesson解析:选A就这样,他们走了大概1 000英里。19A.encouraging BinterestingCexciting Ddiscouraging解析:选D在漫长的旅途

11、之中,看到前面还有那么远的路要走,当然会使人感到气馁。20A.ever BalwaysCseldom Dfrequently解析:选C事情是慢慢做完的,我们很少能一下子完成一件重大的事情。.阅读理解With growing concerns about loneliness among younger generations in modern society, some experts now say although being in technological isolation (孤立), American teenagers arent feeling quite as lonely

12、 as their parents were when they were teens.A study published Monday in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin shows a modest decline (下降) in loneliness among American high school and college students through the years 1978 to 2009.It also shows teenagers today are less likely to join clubs

13、and make fewer close friends than previous generations, but that doesnt leave them feeling left out.University of Queensland and Griffith University researchers figured this out looking at statistics from several studies of high school and college students in the United States that examined teen att

14、itudes and activities among this age group.Young people these days, the study suggests, is relying less on others. They have less need to feel attached to a large group of friends. For example, in 1985, 10% of people reported they discussed important matters with no one; in 2004, 25% reported the sa

15、me. At the same time, young people feel more confident about themselves.The statistics showed female college students reported lower levels of loneliness than their male (男性的) schoolmates, although there were no big differences between male and female students. White high school students reported lower loneliness than AfricanAmerican students, Hispanic students and others.With less physical contact, yet more electronic conne



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