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1、Unit 1课时跟踪练(一) Warming Up & ReadingPre-reading.阅读理解AThe United States of America is the most culturally diverse country in the world in terms of culture, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. As a combination of various races and cultures, America is home to all. The culture here is so unique

2、that citizens can be just as proud of their original cultural heritage as they are to be Americans.What is now the US was initially inhabited by native people until the land was settled by various European groups and African slaves. Since the 20th century, the country has become a heaven for people

3、from all over the globe.The arrival of immigrants has shifted populations from rural areas into cities because immigrants tend to settle in urban areas. At present, 81 percent of the inhabitants in the US live in cities.Cultural and ethnic diversity adds a unique flavor to cities that is expressed t

4、hrough distinct neighborhoods, restaurants, places of worship, museums, nightlife and multicultural learning environments.Unique musical forms, such as jazz, rock and roll, Chicano music, and the blues, grow in the US by mixing a variety of culturally distinct musical traditions to create a new form

5、.At the executive (行政的) level, the country is headed by a mixedrace president; two posts on the Supreme Court are held by members of the countrys two largest minorities. There is also diversity in state and local governments.Without its rich mixture of races and cultures, America would not be the na

6、tion that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom, America acts as a stage where different cultures not only coexist peacefully, but develop well.1Whats the best title for this passage?AThe Effects of Culture and Diversity on AmericaBThe Influence of Globalization on AmericaCThe

7、Political Development of AmericaDThe Bright Future of America解析:选A主旨大意题。通读全文,主要介绍了多元化在各个方面对美国的影响。2According to the passage, America is a country _.Athat welcomes people from all over the worldBwhere citizens take more pride in their original cultureCthat is mostly settled by Europeans and AfricansDw

8、here 81% of the population are immigrants解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段的“Since the 20th century, the country has become a heaven for people from all over the globe.”可知应选A。3Where did most people live before many immigrants came to America?AIn the urban areas.BIn the rural areas.CIn the southern part of America.DIn

9、 the northern part of America.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段的“The arrival of immigrants has shifted populations from rural areas into cities because immigrants tend to settle in urban areas.”可知,大量移民涌入美国之前,当地人大多居住在乡下。4We can learn from the sixth paragraph that _.Adiversity has existed in America in almost every as

10、pectBmost posts in America state governments are help by mixedrace peopleCequality and freedom make America a fair countryDdiversity has greatly affected the American political field解析:选D推理判断题。根据第六段内容可知,多元化对美国的政治领域有很大影响。BThe Louvre, in Paris, France, has almost 275,000 works of art. It contains some

11、 of the most famous works of art in the history of the world, including the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.The Louvre was originally a fort (a strong building used by soldiers for defending a place) built by King Philip sometime around AD 1200. In the 1300s, it became a royal house for Charles , who

12、 had it renovated (翻新). While he did have his own collection of art there, everything disappeared when he died.This impressive building remained empty until 1527, when Francois decided that he wanted it for his private palace. Francois was a collector of early Italian Renaissance art at the time, an

13、d already owned the Mona Lisa. However, he would not move into the Louvre until it was completely renovated and made even more splendid than it had been during the rule of Charles .Unfortunately, Francois died before the work was completed, but the work continued until the death of the head architec

14、t. Afterwards, several generations of French royalty lived in the palace until Louis , the last of the French rulers to call the Louvre home, left in 1682. The Louvre, however, was far from abandoned. For about 30 years after Louis s death in 1715, the Louvre became the home of artists and scholars.

15、 Its art collection grew from about 200 paintings in 1643 to about 2,500 works of art in 1715.It was a center of creativity, until the public began to be admitted in 1793. Throughout the French Revolution and the years ruled by Napoleon , the art collection in the Louvre grew greatly.Napoleon robbed

16、 art from all over the world and added it to the Louvres collection. After Napoleons death in 1821, the original owners reclaimed (要求归还) much of the robbed artwork. Over the last 100 years, art colleges have been set up at the Louvre, and it has become one of the largest museums in the world.5What do we learn about the Louvre?AIt became an ar


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