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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,第八课时 Self Check,一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1There is a _(排) of trees on each side of the road. 2Peter _(介绍) himself to us at the meeting. 3I will remember the days in the countryside _(永远) 4On this map,we can see two small _(岛) 5More and more young people choose to stu

2、dy _(在国外),line,introduced,forever,islands,abroad,二、根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。 put.down,at least,hurry up,give.up,bring.back 6_!Were going to be late for the meeting. 7Im too tired.I want to _these heavy bags _and have a rest. 8Can I borrow your dictionary? Sure.Here you are.But you have to _it _next Fr

3、iday. 9Smoking (吸烟) is bad for your health.You should _it _ 10It will take you _10 minutes to get there.,Hurry up,put,down,bring,back,give,up,at least,三、单项选择。 11Who is the boy next to you?Could you please _ him to us? Oh,this is my new friend John. Adiscuss Bcatch Cintroduce Drealize 12When the litt

4、le girl saw her mother,she ran quickly _ her. Afrom Bon Cwith Dtowards,C,D,13Whats your dream job? I am good at writing _,so I want to be a writer. Aachievements Bfictions Csolutions Ddecisions 14I heard the JK. Rowling wrote a new book. I cant wait _ it.(易错题) Areads Bread Creading Dto read 15Are yo

5、u interested in the ending of the movie? No,because my friend _ me the story. Atells Bwill tell Chas told Dis telling,B,D,C,四、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:Hi,Wang Lei.16._ B:I like to read books.I think it is very relaxing. A:Me,too.Ive got lots of books in my room.17._ B:Ive already read Robinson Crusoe

6、 and The Old Man and the sea.What about you? A:Oh,Ive already read Robinson Crusoe too.18._ What do you think of it? B:Well,I think it is fantastic.You can learn a lot from it. A:Thats great.19._,D,G,F,A,B:Of course.But I lent it to my friend Mike yesterday.He said he would return it in three days.

7、A:OK.20._ B:No problem. ACould you please lend it to me? BWhat kind of books do you like? CRemember to tell me as soon as he returns it. DWhat do you like to do in your free time? EHave you already read Tom Sawyer yet? FBut I havent read The Old Man and the Sea yet. GWhat books have you already read?,C,


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