湖北省武汉为明实验学校中考英语 名词复习课件

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《湖北省武汉为明实验学校中考英语 名词复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省武汉为明实验学校中考英语 名词复习课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、名词,表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词,叫做名词,不可数名词:没有复数形式,不可数名词前面不能用a/an。必须要记住的不可数名词:,考点一 不可数名词,2.不可数名词的量化表达 借助some,much,little,a little,a lot of,lots of, plenty of等来表示。如:much water,some orange juice, a little milk (2) 借助容器来表示。如:一杯咖啡_, 袋米_ (3) 借助计量单位来表示。如:一张纸_, 一片面包 _,a cup of coffee,ten bags of rice,a piece of pape

2、r,a slice of bread,3既可数又不可数的名词 有些名词既能用作可数名词,又能用作不可数名词,但意义不同。如: chicken鸡(可数); 鸡肉(不可数) room房间(可数); 空间(不可数) fish鱼(可数); 鱼肉(不可数) glass玻璃杯(可数); 玻璃(不可数) paper试卷,报纸(可数); 纸张(不可数) time倍数,次数(可数); 时间(不可数) work作品(可数); 工作(不可数) experience经历(可数); 经验(不可数),1规则名词复数的构成,考点二 可数名词,2.不规则名词复数形式的构成,1构成 (1)有生命的名词所有格的构成方法: 一般情

3、况下在表示有生命的物体的名词后加s。如: 迈克的汽车 _ 我妈妈的生日 _ 以s结尾的复数名词只加。 如: 教师节 _ 不以s结尾的复数名词,直接在词尾加s 。如: 妇女节 _ 儿童节 _,Mikes car,my mothers birthday,Teachers Day,Womens Day,Childrens Day,考点三 名词所有格,(2)无生命的名词的所有格一般由“of表示无生命的物体的名词”构成。如: 我们教室的一张照片 _ 一张中国地图 _ 注意 表示时间、距离、集体、国家、团体等无生命的名词也可用s构成所有格。如: 今天的报纸 _ 世界人口 _,a picture of ou

4、r classroom,a map of China,todays newspaper,the worlds population,2特殊用法 (1)表示一件东西为两人或三人共有时,只需在最后一个名词后加s,后面所跟名词用单数;表示各自所有时,则需在每个名词后加s,后面所跟名词用复数。如: 莉莉和露西共有的房间 _ 莉莉和露西各自的房间 _ (2)表示“某人家”、 “店铺”、“诊所”等处所。如: 在李雷家 at Li Leis 在医生的诊所_ 在药店 at the chemists (3)双重所有格表示整体中的一部分,结构为“of名词所有格” 或 “of名词性物主代词”。如: 我父亲的一本书_

5、 我的一个朋友 a friend of mineone of my friends,Lily and Lucys room,Lilys and Lucys rooms,at the doctors,a book of my fathers,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1We should learn from _ (hero) 2_(leaf) turn green in spring. 3_ (teacher) Day is on September 10th. 4I think Jackie Chan is one of the most popular _ (actor)I like

6、 him very much. 5The two _(boy) jackets are very new. 6He is a friend of my _(sister),heroes,Leaves,Teachers,actors,boys,sisters,7All the _(woman) teachers are happy on March 8th. 82014泰州 My dream is to be a famous doctor and save patients _(life). 9Here are some _ (photo) for you. 10Those _ (police

7、man) are looking for the lost kids. 112014云南 A good teacher is a good _(listen). A teacher is there to listen to every student and help them out. 12Here are five _(bottle) of _(juice) for you.,women,lives,photos,policemen,listener,bottles,juice,13How many _(day) are there in a week? 14The dictionary is not mine, but _(Xiao Zhou) 15Now people hope to eat healthily and begin to care about the _(safe) of food. 16How many times do you brush your _(tooth) every day? 17Take a short rest after two _(hour) hard work, and you wont feel too tired.,days,Xiao Zhous,safety,teeth,hours,


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