2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 5 enjoying novels section ⅱ warming up and reading-language points课件 新人教版选修10

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1、Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage points,课前自主预习,.重点单词 1_(adj.)文学的_(n.)文学,文学作品 2_(n.)类型,体裁 3_(n.& v)叙述,描述 4_(n.)共识;共同意见 5_(n.)同等;平等_(adj.)相等的;平等的 (v.)等于 6_(n.)扭曲;歪曲(vt.& vi)拧;缠绕;扭曲_(adj.)扭曲的,literary,literature,genre,recount,consensus,equality,equal,twist,twisty,7_(n.)反驳;矛盾_ (adj.)相矛盾的;相抵触的 8_(n.)

2、限制;局限性_(n.& v)限制;限定_(adj.)有限的;受限的 9_(n.)女英雄;女主人公_(n.)男英雄,男主人公 10_(n.)障碍;阻碍 11_(adj.)具有讽刺意味的;讽刺的_(n.)讽刺_(adj.)讽刺的,用反语的,contradiction,contradictory,limitation,limit,limited,heroine,hero,obstacle,ironic,irony,ironical,12_(n.)欺骗;诡计_(v.)欺骗 13_(adj.)直率的;明确的;清楚的_(adv.)清楚地;明白地_(n.)清楚;明白 14_(vt.)向欢呼;大声招呼;呼喊

3、15_(n.)启示;揭示_(v.)揭露;启示 16_(adj.)第一的;首要的(n.)总理;首相 17_(adj.)含糊的;模糊的_(adv.)暧昧地;不明确地_(n.)暧昧;含糊 18_(n.)让步;让于某人之物,deception,deceive,explicit,explicitly,explicitness,hail,revelation,reveal,premier,ambiguous,ambiguously,ambiguousness,concession,19_(n.)不公平;非正义_(adj.)不公平的;非正义的 20_(adj.)古怪的 (n.)怪人_(adv.)古怪地;反常

4、地,injustice,unjust,eccentric,eccentrically,.重点短语 1_ 有效的;在实施中 2_ 顺利应付;克服 3_ 用的名字,在的名字下 4_ 看穿;识破 5_ 与作斗争 6_ 杰出,in force get round under the name of. see through struggle against stand out,.重点句型 1Can you believe_there used to be a consensus in society_opposed the writing of novels by authoresses? 2Clea

5、rly this restriction_at atime when there was no equality of opportunity for women. 3_is making fun of those mothers_only wish is to marry their daughters well. 4_,any survey of the 19th century English literature must include them.,that,that,must have operated,It,whose,These women having produced wo

6、rks of the highest,quality,课内研析探究,literary adj.文学的;从事写作的 AhQ is a literary figure.阿Q是一个文学形象。 Our professor is a literary authority. 我们的教授是一位文学权威。 Newspapers are not literature;you usually read them only once.报纸不是文学作品,你通常看一遍就不再看了。,literature n文学;文学作品;文献,著作 literally adv.字面上,按字面,逐字地;真正地,recount (1)n.C

7、 叙述;描述;重新计算 His recount of the accident is not accurate. 他对那次事故的叙述不准确。 The defeated president candidate demanded a recount of the votes. 被击败的总统候选人要求重新计算选票。,(2)vt.详述,叙述;重新计算 He recounted to us all his experiences of adventure to the South Pole. 他给我们详细讲述了他到南极探险的所有经历。 Lets recount the ducks and make su

8、re they are all here.我们再来重新数一下鸭子以保证没有丢失。 He recounted his experiences to the pupils. 他向学生讲述自己的经历。,recount sth.(to sb.) (向某人)讲故事 recount that clause 讲述,辨析:recount与describe (1)recount作描述讲时强调“详细讲”,重在讲发生过的事情或把讲过的事再讲一遍。另外,它还有“重新计算”之意。 He recounted all the happenings of the day. 他详细叙述那天发生的一切事情。 (2)describ

9、e是描述,描写,描绘,多指描绘“物”的外形特征。 Could you describe your handbag? 您能描绘一下您的包吗?,consensus n共识;共同意见 There is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue. 对这个问题的看法日趋一致。 The two parties have reached a consensus on a new national pensions system. 这两个政党就新的养老金制度达成了一致意见。,reach a consensus on在方面达成共识,equality n平等;(数)

10、相等,等式 Women are still struggling for true equality with men. 妇女仍在争取与男人真正平等。 Today,we are going to learn equality and inequality. 今天我们将学习等式与不等式。,be on an equality (with) 与平等 equal adj.平等的 be equal to 与相等;胜任,All men are equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等。 Let the line AB be equal to the line CD. 设AB等于CD。,

11、twist (1)n.拧,扭曲;弯曲;转折 With a violent twist,he wrenched off the handle. 他猛力一拧,将那把手拧了下来。 Theres an unusual twist to the plot at the end of the book. 在这本书的末尾,情节发生了不寻常的转折。 (2)vt.拧;搓;缠绕 She twisted the long scarf round her head. 她把那条长围巾围在头上。,contradiction n矛盾,不一致;否认,反驳 To deny contradiction is to deny ev

12、erything. 否认事物的矛盾,就是否认了一切。,contradictory adj.互相矛盾的;抵触的;反驳的 contradict vt.反驳;否认;相矛盾 in contradiction with 与相抵触 in contradiction to 反之,与相反,同矛盾,Is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs?又爱护动物又穿皮毛服装是矛盾的吗? What a contradictory theory!多么矛盾的理论呀! The two statements contradict each other. 这两种说法

13、互相矛盾。,limitation (1)n.C 限制;限度,局限;局限性,不足之处,不利之处 One should realize ones limitations. 一个人应该明白自己的不足之处。 (2)n.U 限制(指限制的动作或过程) Age is no limitation to this kind of job. 做这种工作没有年龄限制。,辨析:limit与 limitation (1)limit作名词时表示界限,界线,极限,限量。指最大限量的点,线,量等,具体一些。 Our life has a limit,but knowledge is without limit. 生命有限,

14、知识无涯。 (2)limitation表示抽象的概念,限制,局限。 We shall continue to work for the limitation of nuclear arms.我们将继续为限制核武器而努力。,obstacle n障碍,障碍物,妨碍,阻碍 We must remove obstacles from our path. 我们必须移开我们路上的障碍物。 You should overcome all obstacles to your study. 你应该克服学习上的一切障碍。,obstacle to的障碍,ironic ironical adj.反语的;讽刺的;有讽刺意味的 What an ironic cartoon it is! 多么具有讽刺意味的一幅漫画呀! Can you appreciate ironic arts of Lu Xun and Kafka? 你能欣赏鲁迅和卡夫卡的讽刺艺术吗?,irony n反讽,讽刺,讽刺之事 ironically adv.讽刺地;嘲讽地,Her apology was shot with irony. 她的道歉中夹杂着讽刺。 And yet,ir


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